The old design

When developing an API, you need to define the data response results of the interface. The following is a very simple and direct Controller implementation method and response result definition.

public class UserController {

	private UserService userService;

	public ResponseBean signin(@PathVariable long userId) {
		try {
			User user = userService.getUserBaseInfo(userId);
			return ResponseBean.success(user);
		} catch (ServiceException e) {
			return new ReponseBean(e.getCode(), e.getMsg());
		} catch (Exception e) {
			returnResponseBean.systemError(); }}}Copy the code
	code: "".data: {}, // Can be an object or an array
	msg: ""
Copy the code

From the code above, we can see that for each Controller method, there is a lot of duplicate code, and we should try to avoid duplicate code. After you remove the duplicate code, you get the following code, which is easy to understand.

public class UserController {
	private UserService userService;

	public User signin(@PathVariable long userId) {
        returnuserService.getUserBaseInfo(userId); }}Copy the code

One additional requirement made in the above implementation is that ServiceException needs to be defined as a subclass of RuntimeException, not Exception. Since ServiceException represents a ServiceException, this exception should be directly reported to the front end without any special handling. After subclassing RuntimeException, a large number of exception throw declarations are reduced, and special declarations in the Transactional @Transactional transaction are no longer required.

Unify the Controller return value format

In the process of development, I discovered the above structure

public class ControllerResponseHandler implements ResponseBodyAdvice<Object> {
	private Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(getClass());

	public boolean supports(MethodParameter returnType, Class
       > converterType) {
		All return value types are supported
		return true;

	public Object beforeBodyWrite(Object body, MethodParameter returnType, MediaType selectedContentType, Class
       > selectedConverterType, ServerHttpRequest request, ServerHttpResponse response) {
		if(body instanceof ResponseBean) {
			return body;
		} else {
			// All results that do not return the ResponseBean structure are considered successful
			returnResponseBean.success(body); }}}Copy the code

Unified Exception Handling

In the following code, ServiceException ServiceMessageException ValidatorErrorType FieldValidatorError are custom classes.

public class ControllerExceptionHandler {

	private Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(getClass());

	private static final String logExceptionFormat = "[EXIGENCE] Some thing wrong with the system: %s";

	/** * Custom exception */
	public ResponseBean handleServiceMessageException(HttpServletRequest request, ServiceMessageException ex) {
		return new ResponseBean(ex.getMsgCode(), ex.getMessage());

	/** * Custom exception */
	public ResponseBean handleServiceException(HttpServletRequest request, ServiceException ex) {
		String message = codeToMessage(ex.getMsgCode());
		return new ResponseBean(ex.getMsgCode(), message);

	/ * * * MethodArgumentNotValidException: entity class attribute check not through * such as: listUsersValid (@RequestBody @Valid UserFilterOption option)
	public ResponseBean handleMethodArgumentNotValid(HttpServletRequest request, MethodArgumentNotValidException ex) {
		return validatorErrors(ex.getBindingResult());

	private ResponseBean validatorErrors(BindingResult result) {
		List<FieldValidatorError> errors = new ArrayList<FieldValidatorError>();
		for (FieldError error : result.getFieldErrors()) {
		return ResponseBean.validatorError(errors);

	/ * * * ConstraintViolationException: to check the method parameters directly, not by check. * such as: pageUsers (@RequestParam @Min(1)int pageIndex, @RequestParam @Max(100)int pageSize)
	public ResponseBean handleConstraintViolationException(HttpServletRequest request, ConstraintViolationException ex) {
		List<FieldValidatorError> errors = new ArrayList<FieldValidatorError>();

		for(ConstraintViolation<? > violation : ex.getConstraintViolations()) { errors.add(toFieldValidatorError(violation)); }return ResponseBean.validatorError(errors);

	private FieldValidatorError toFieldValidatorError(ConstraintViolation
        violation) {
		Path.Node lastNode = null;
		for (Path.Node node : violation.getPropertyPath()) {
			lastNode = node;

		FieldValidatorError fieldNotValidError = new FieldValidatorError();
		// fieldNotValidError.setType(ValidatorTypeMapping.toType(violation.getConstraintDescriptor().getAnnotation().annotationTyp e()));
		return fieldNotValidError;

	private FieldValidatorError toFieldValidatorError(FieldError error) {
		FieldValidatorError fieldNotValidError = new FieldValidatorError();
		return fieldNotValidError;

	/ * * * BindException: abnormal data binding, the effect is similar to MethodArgumentNotValidException, for MethodArgumentNotValidException parent * /
	public ResponseBean handleBindException(HttpServletRequest request, BindException ex) {
		return validatorErrors(ex.getBindingResult());

	/** * Return type conversion error */
	public ResponseBean exceptionHandle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpMessageConversionException ex) {
		return internalServiceError(ex);
	/** * The type that the client side expects to accept is inconsistent with the type that the server side returns. * Here interception is set, but it doesn't work. The cause needs to be further determined through the flow of the HTTP request. * /
	public ResponseBean handleHttpMediaTypeNotAcceptableException(HttpServletRequest request, HttpMediaTypeNotAcceptableException ex) {
		StringBuilder messageBuilder = new StringBuilder().append("The media type is not acceptable.")
				.append(" Acceptable media types are ");
		ex.getSupportedMediaTypes().forEach(t -> messageBuilder.append(t + ","));
		String message = messageBuilder.substring(0, messageBuilder.length() - 2);

		return new ResponseBean(HttpStatus.NOT_ACCEPTABLE.value(), message);

	/** * Content-type of the request header * The data type sent by the client is inconsistent with the data the server expects to receive */
	public ResponseBean handleHttpMediaTypeNotSupportedException(HttpServletRequest request, HttpMediaTypeNotSupportedException ex) {
		StringBuilder messageBuilder = new StringBuilder().append(ex.getContentType())
				.append(" media type is not supported.").append(" Supported media types are ");
		ex.getSupportedMediaTypes().forEach(t -> messageBuilder.append(t + ","));
		String message = messageBuilder.substring(0, messageBuilder.length() - 2);
		return new ResponseBean(HttpStatus.UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE.value(), message);

	/** * The data sent by the front end is not processed properly * for example, the day after tomorrow, we expect to receive a JSON data, but the front end sends XML data or a wrong JSON data */
	public ResponseBean handlerHttpMessageNotReadableException(HttpServletRequest request, HttpMessageNotReadableException ex) {
		String message = "Problems parsing JSON";
		return new ResponseBean(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST.value(), message);

	/** * A problem caused when converting the returned result to the response data. * When using JSON as the result format, the possible cause is serialization errors. * It is currently known that this exception is caused when an object with no attributes is returned as a result. * /
	public ResponseBean handlerHttpMessageNotWritableException(HttpServletRequest request, HttpMessageNotWritableException ex) {
		return internalServiceError(ex);

	/** * The request method does not support */
	public ResponseBean exceptionHandle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpRequestMethodNotSupportedException ex) {
		StringBuilder messageBuilder = new StringBuilder().append(ex.getMethod())
				.append(" method is not supported for this request.").append(" Supported methods are ");

		ex.getSupportedHttpMethods().forEach(m -> messageBuilder.append(m + ","));
		String message = messageBuilder.substring(0, messageBuilder.length() - 2);
		return new ResponseBean(HttpStatus.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED.value(), message);

	/** * Parameter types do not match */
	public ResponseBean methodArgumentTypeMismatchExceptionHandler(HttpServletRequest request, MethodArgumentTypeMismatchException ex) {
		String message = "The parameter '" + ex.getName() + "' should of type '"
				+ ex.getRequiredType().getSimpleName().toLowerCase() + "'";

		FieldValidatorError fieldNotValidError = new FieldValidatorError();

		return ResponseBean.validatorError(Arrays.asList(fieldNotValidError));

	/** * the required field */ is missing
	public ResponseBean exceptionHandle(HttpServletRequest request, MissingServletRequestParameterException ex) {
		String message = "Required parameter '" + ex.getParameterName() + "' is not present";

		FieldValidatorError fieldNotValidError = new FieldValidatorError();

		return ResponseBean.validatorError(Arrays.asList(fieldNotValidError));

	/** * The file field */ was missing when the file was uploaded
	public ResponseBean exceptionHandle(HttpServletRequest request, MissingServletRequestPartException ex) {
		return new ResponseBean(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST.value(), ex.getMessage());

	/** * The requested path does not exist */
	public ResponseBean exceptionHandle(HttpServletRequest request, NoHandlerFoundException ex) {
		String message = "No resource found for " + ex.getHttpMethod() + "" + ex.getRequestURL();
		return new ResponseBean(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND.value(), message);

	/** * missing path parameter * Controller method defined@PathVariable(Required =true), but does not provide */ in the URL
	public ResponseBean exceptionHandle(HttpServletRequest request, MissingPathVariableException ex) {
		return internalServiceError(ex);

	/** * all other exceptions */
	public ResponseBean handleAll(HttpServletRequest request, Exception ex) {
		return internalServiceError(ex);

	private String codeToMessage(int code) {
		//TODO this needs to be customized, each code will match a corresponding MSG
		return "The code is " + code;

	private ResponseBean internalServiceError(Exception ex) {
		// do something else
		return ResponseBean.systemError();

	private <T extends Throwable> void logException(T e) { logger.error(String.format(logExceptionFormat, e.getMessage()), e); }}Copy the code

Through the above configuration, exceptions can be processed in a unified manner and returned results can be encapsulated in a unified manner.