This article belongs to the original article, reprint please note — fromTao Yuan xiao Pan’s blog

I remember a programmer survey report showed that:

Nearly 70 percent of respondents said their abilities were above average, while less than 10 percent said they were below average.

Most people think they are better or no worse than their colleagues.

We think of ourselves as the software that sweeps the floor, perfectly-accomplishes every task, and saves the world. I have to say programmers are too proud, myself included. The term “10x engineer”, once popular, was soon ridiculed by a host of industry bigwigs.

Back to nature, why did man defeat lions and tigers and rule the world? Not because you are wu Song, not because you have a sword in your hand, it is hunting, it is cooperation. And eventually globalization, where people who don’t know each other collaborate on production on a large scale.

Powerful as Zhang Wuji also almost died in the siege of bright top. King of Glory is not a 1V5, it’s a 5V5. There are no superchips in supercomputing, but combinations of tens of thousands of ordinary chips. The power of cooperation is too powerful. Cooperation is the super nuclear weapon unique to human civilization.

At this stage, you have to work with product managers, designers, front end, back end, algorithms, ARTIFICIAL intelligence, testing, operations. There are no multi-taskers, and every development task is a multi-tasker. This means that development is no longer about making big things, it’s about working together to make big things, each implementing what you’re good at.

I know a lot of people don’t like to be interrupted, and I especially don’t like to be interrupted when I’m thinking about a complex problem, because it really affects flow. The less you like to be interrupted, the more often you are interrupted or pulled into unscheduled meetings. We can only try to plan some communication periods in advance, or take the initiative to check the latest news of partners every two or three hours.

Software development is obviously a team sport, so asking questions before writing code can often save you a lot of time if you can communicate beforehand. When you talk to a product manager about a new technology, he or she may find a way for you to use it. Advance conventions for interface documentation, which previews your process for handling exceptions.

Embrace cooperation, Peace and Love.