Affected by the epidemic, many enterprises began to seek cloud development, among which e-commerce website business is the biggest increment. Many foreign trade began to choose Hong Kong server to carry out business, in addition to a simple website drainage, but also user deployment of other business.

1. E-commerce websites

The network condition of the server determines the running speed and efficiency of the website, and also has a great influence on the ranking of the search engine. The Hong Kong server supports INTERNATIONAL BGP lines and CN2 high-speed direct connection, which can effectively shorten the transit nodes of the line and improve the network quality. So whether network conditions or hardware stability, Hong Kong server is a good choice.

2. Electronic payment

E-commerce is a means of electronic transaction, so it is very important to protect customers’ personal and privacy information. The traditional telegraphic transfer transaction mode is easy to leak users’ information, and the security and stability of Hong Kong servers reflect its advantages in this aspect.

3. Official website email address

Although many foreign trade enterprises now send and receive emails through the third platform, after all, it is grafted on the third platform, and the hidden danger of data information security still exists. Especially for small and medium-sized enterprises, they should independently deploy their own official email addresses and transition to email clients with specific domain names, on the one hand for security reasons, on the other hand, it is also a demonstration of enterprise strength.

4. Data backup

When making electronic reports and financial statements, you need to back up and enter data. Data backup improves enterprise data storage security. If something unexpected happens, you can quickly reload the saved business instance. This process can be used effectively with little delay and can even recover data without notifying the customer of any errors.

5. Store files

Storing documents is critical for business continuity and data protection. It also helps with disaster and data recovery strategies. You can also let employees work remotely. Many e-commerce websites choose Hong Kong servers with better stability to store documents and deploy systems, so as to facilitate timely communication with overseas customers and follow up orders.

You are advised to use our company for renting servers for e-commerce services. Warner Cloud provides high-quality resources of backbone computer rooms from Hong Kong, the United States and other places, including BGP international multi-line network, CN2, China Unicom, mobile point-to-point direct connection wide and international top brand hardware. In Hong Kong, relying on Tier3+ SDC data center, it provides excellent infrastructure and efficient Internet bandwidth access services. Since the development, the company has gathered the leading network, development and operation and maintenance team, providing hotline, online consultation and other communication channels, 7*24 non-stop service, 3 minutes quick response.