The article directories

  • preface
  • Upgrade steps
  • I have a problem
    • Zhihu selection control crashes
    • Aurora push is disabled on Android 10
    • open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)
    • Didn’t find class “org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost”
  • Hongyang Recommended article


If the project has not been adapted to AndroidX, please adapt to AndroidX first

For some changes to Android10, please check the official documentation

Upgrade steps

1. Change the TARGET_SDK_VERSION in to 29

Run the project on an Android 10 phone and actually test it

2. Then, according to some changes in the official documents, we searched for the places involved in the project

3, third-party library update, generally active projects have been adapted to Android10, we just need to update to the latest version

I have a problem

Zhihu selection control crashes

Generally active projects have already been adapted for Android10. For example, if the project uses Zhihu’s image picker Matisse, open the Github Matisse home page and click On Releases

As you can see, the crash issue on Android Q has been fixed in the latest version, so we can safely switch to the latest version and the issue will be resolved

Aurora push is disabled on Android 10

Aurora push was updated in February and March, the use of tag and alias were changed, so the SDK needs to be updated to modify the Aurora push in my project according to the official 3-minute demo

open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)

There is a picture clipping control in the project. After selecting the picture, an error is reported: Open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)

The solution is to add the application node in androidmanifest.xmlandroid:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true", i.e.,

Note that COMPILE_SDK_VERSION and BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION in should be set to version 29, otherwise the Manifest will tell you that this property cannot be found

Didn ‘t find the class “. Org, apache HTTP client. The methods. The HttpPost”

http:// at the beginning of site network request, an error Didn ‘t find the class “. Org, apache HTTP client. The methods. HttpPost “, the website of https:// is no problem

The solution is to add it in the manifest


<uses-library android:name="org.apache.http.legacy" android:required="false" />
Copy the code

As shown in figure

Hongyang Recommended article

Android 10 storage adaptation-that’s what our project is doing!