You have to sneak it in

Everything is to be expected


This year, the object, use the sweethearts head Look at yourself, sending out the faint scent of a single dog head Very not easy these days about an WeChat head on a good girl, very not easy to wait until she came late, but just when she turned the moment, I spray a mouthful of water, quietly left back home, I with good brothers

  • Why is the woman’s photo so beautiful in wechat so ugly
  • Dude, wake up, it’s wechat, wechat. You mean it

It was just wechat

1 Avatar


 avatarClass() {

  const { size, icon, shape } = this;

  let classList = ['el-avatar'];

  if (size && typeof size === 'string') {



  if (icon) {



  if (shape) {



  return classList.join(' ');


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Skills parsing

Join (“) add mode: class=”el-avatar–small el-avatar–icon” El.classlist.add () jQuery: $(el).addClass() jQuery: class=”{‘el-avatar–small’: true}”


  • If A and C stand together, who will be taller?
  • A
  • No, C
  • Why?
  • Because the ABCD?

Code snippet

if (isImageExist && src) {

  return <img





Copy the code

Skills parsing

What about screens of different sizes? Screen fit, REM, VW, pictures? You can’t zoom in or out, can you? To do that? How does it fit?

/ *

* 800px load middle. JPG

* 1400px loads big.jpg

* Small.jpg is loaded by default

* /


  src="small.jpg " 

  srcset="big.jpg 1440w, middle.jpg 800w" />

Copy the code

The IMG element srcset attribute analyzes the portal


Do you feel elastic?

It’s not just skin that can be shiny and elastic, but pictures too!

if (isImageExist && src) {

  return <img



    style={{ 'object-fit': fit }}/>;


Copy the code

Skills parsing

Natural: object-fit: none; Object-fit: fill; Cover state: object-fit: cover; There are many more interesting forms to unlock ^^ ^^ Object-Fit portal

When you’re around me I have never envied anyone

Refer to the link

  • The element’s official website
  • Element repository
  • Vue website
  • ES6 Tutorial

Review past

  • Follow Element to learn Vue tips (1) – Layout
  • Learn Vue tips with Element (2) — Container
  • Learn Vue tips with Element (7) – Button
  • Learn Vue tips with Element (8) — Link
  • Learn Vue tips with Element (9) — Radio
  • Learn Vue tips with Element (10) — Checkbox
  • Learn Vue tips with Element (11) — Input
  • Learn Vue tips with Element (12) — InputNumber
  • Learn Vue tips with Element (13) — Select
  • Learn Vue tips with Element (14) — Cascader
  • Learn Vue tips with Element (15) — Switch
  • Learn Vue tips with Element (16) – Slider
  • Learn Vue tips with Element (17) — TimePicker
  • Learn Vue tips with Element (18) — DatePicker
  • Learn Vue tips from Element (20) — Upload
  • Learn Vue tips with Element (21) — Rate
  • Follow Element to learn Vue tips (23) – Transfer
  • Learn Vue tips with Element (24) — Form
  • Learn Vue tips with Element (25) — Table
  • Learn Vue tips with Element (26) – Tag
  • Follow Element to learn Vue tips (27) — Progress
  • Learn Vue tips from Element (28) — Tree
  • Learn Vue tips with Element (29) — Pagination