On July 24, 2021, Rongyun, a leading provider of secure and reliable Internet communication cloud, will hold the third Global Internet Communication Cloud Conference (WICC 2021) in Beijing. The theme of the conference is “New vision, even the future”, and follow the previous model, through the establishment of summit forum and technical sub-forum, gathered industry technology leaders, explore and lead the future development of communication cloud.

The WICC will focus on cutting-edge technologies in the communication cloud field, especially new technologies and applications in the audio and video field, and share best practices in online education, social entertainment and other industries. The main value of the WICC is to broaden the horizons of developers and better serve the developer ecosystem.

The developer ecosystem service becomes the new content worth looking forward to in the SUMMIT forum

The Global Internet Communication Cloud Conference has been held for the third time. Throughout the previous conferences, the morning summit forum played a huge role in exploring and leading the future development of communication cloud, and became the most concerned part of the developers attending the conference. In the first conference, technical leaders made speeches on the trend analysis of future “5G+” industry application scenarios and insight into the evolution and Trend of global Communication cloud Industry, all of which were realized in the current communication cloud development process. Especially in last year’s summit dialogue, several experts agreed that audio and video technology will usher in an explosion in the communication cloud market, and be more closely combined with AI, VR, edge computing and other new technologies. This forward-looking view has been verified in the practice of communication cloud technology in the past year.

Well, this year’s summit has added new content related to the developer ecosystem, in addition to tech-forward sharing. Melting cloud, founder and CTO Yang Pan will be published on the communication as the core of the developer services ecological exploration of speech, around domestic developer service industry present situation, the demand analysis, combines cloud service system construction and so on many fronts, developers want to melt the cloud service developers of all kinds of experience accumulated over the years, and case, sharing with the developers.

Professors from Tsinghua university and Peking University assisted WICC

The conference, attended by the technical leaders of leading companies in various industries, is WICC’s most attractive highlight. At this conference, we are pleased to see that in addition to the technical giants in the industry, there are also professors from tsinghua university and Peking University to assist WICC.

Among them, Sun Lifeng, a professor from the Department of Computer Science and Technology at Tsinghua University, mainly researches on streaming media technology, multimedia edge computing, video intelligent analysis and processing, media big data and social media computing. He will bring the keynote speech “Internet Audio and Video Services: From AI Empowerment to Intelligent endogenous” to explain the development trend of Internet audio and video services by using AI to enable Internet audio and video services and realizing system self-evolution through new machine learning framework to achieve intelligent endogenous. Professor Sun will present the development roadmap of technology and application from the perspective of academic frontier and industrial practice.

Dr. Zhang Xingong, another associate professor from Peking University, is mainly engaged in the research of video communication and future network, and has presided over the development of the first digital video broadcasting system in China, which has been widely used. He will share the content of “Application and Technology of VIRTUAL reality video”, mainly introducing the application prospect and technical challenges of virtual reality video. At the same time, the interactive VR system of 2022 Winter Olympics will be used to introduce the virtual watching experience; Focusing on its technical challenges, the key technologies such as QoE driven adaptive transmission framework, 6DoF VR and FoV transmission are mainly explained.

What new ideas and perspectives will these two well-written scientists bring to developers? Will be one of the WICC’s most anticipated highlights.

Three technology sub forum, the answer to the riddle is yet to be revealed

This year WICC set up three technical sub-forums for developers: “Network Transport and System Architecture”, “NEW RTC Technologies and Applications” and “Scenarioempowerment and Innovation”. At present, some of the lecturers’ directions have been revealed first, the rest of the mystery is waiting for developers to sign up for WICC 2021.

In the technical sub-forum of “Network Transmission and System Architecture”, Li Miahui, chief architect of Rongyun, shared “Analysis on The Design of Rongyun to Build a Global Integrated Network”. The SD-CAN global communication network designed and implemented by Him has covered 233 countries/regions in the world, and the time-tested network architecture is safe and stable. It can carry high concurrent data of 100 billion messages and media streams every day. Developers will learn how to build a global network architecture and how to build a global network monitoring system from his talk.

In the technical sub-forum of “RTC New Technology and Application”, in addition to the speech of Dr. Zhang Xingong, associate professor of Peking University, sensetime’s important application of AI+AR combined with audio and video technology in future scenes is also worth looking forward to. As you can imagine, at this year’s WICC, developers were on hand to hear lectures and questions from the highest level of experts; In the near future, developers will be immersed in WICC in different ways, in different locations and in different real world scenarios. In addition, Li Xiaodong, PhD supervisor of the Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, will also share the new progress of communication acoustics technology and key technology progress of audio/speech signal processing.

In the technical sub-forum of “Scenario-based Empowerment and Innovation”, Zang Qilong, senior development engineer of iOS of Rongyun, will bring a speech of “Scenario-based SDK of Language chat room, Exploring the Evolution direction of a new generation of PaaS Service”. Not long ago, Rongyun released sdK1.0&Demo, a new product of chat room, which is not only the industry’s first scenario-based SDK, out of the box, but also a high-level product that leads PaaS track manufacturers to deeply encapsulate the business layer. Zang Qilong led the research and development.

In addition, in this sub-forum, Feng Quancheng, who is in charge of live Media products from Good Future, shared the application practice of Real-time Audio and Video in Educational Scenes, introduced the progressive evolution process of TalRTC, as well as its practical application and special optimization in educational scenes. How to use technology to maximize audio and video quality for teachers and students. Developers interested in online education can find answers in the best practices for a better future.


Global Internet Communication Cloud Conference (WICC) has grown up to now, and has become a vane for the exploration of cutting-edge technologies and development direction in the field of communication cloud. For the industry, every thought collision at the conference will drive the communication cloud industry forward to the depth of the field. This year’s new content, new lecturers, and new directions for the technology forum constitute the biggest anticipation for WICC from developers and industry colleagues.