Author/Developer relations Program Manager Luli Perkins

Since the launch of “Developer Talk · DTalk”, we have received hundreds of submissions from developers, many of which have been shared through the Google Developer account. Today we are bringing you a new segment, #AndroidDevJourney, which is also a chance for developers to share their stories through our platform. In the coming months, we’ll share their development journey. Similarly, we also look forward to your wonderful sharing and sharing your experience with more developers!

Let’s take a look at some of the best developer stories from this issue.

Niharika Arora

Q: Tell me about your experience as an Android developer and how you got started.

A: I got into the Android space in my senior year of college, starting with an internship at A startup called GreenAppleSolutions. I was given the opportunity to develop an Android project from scratch, and I was lucky enough to launch my first project on the Play store. During my internship, I found Android very interesting. Every line of code I wrote could present the results in real time through the device. I began to love Android and decided that Android development would be my career path.

Q: What shortcut, trick or trick is indispensable to you?

A: I like Android Lint A lot. It saves me A lot of time by not having to manually find deprecated calls or apis. It also helps me follow best practices that make my code better optimized, more secure, and more high-performance.

Q: What is one piece of advice you would most like to share for developers new to Android?

A: Actually, there are two suggestions:

  • It’s important to solve every little question you have, even if it’s something you think is silly. Ask questions until you find a satisfactory answer;
  • It’s good to read the tutorial, but delve deeper into the documentation. It may feel like a lot to learn at first, but in the long run, it helps to be a good developer.

Walmyr Carvalho

Q: Tell me about your experience as an Android developer and how you got started.

A: Interesting! In 2010, I started working on mobile development on iOS, but by 2011, my last project in college was a civil construction app, and no one on the team had a Mac, so we finished the project on Android (BTW, we got a 10)! At the time I was teaching tech courses to some government employees and wasn’t that interested in code, but after the project ended in 2011, I got my first job as an Android junior developer and became so hooked on the platform that I didn’t want to leave!

I started Java development using Eclipse and ADT, Holo and ActionBarSherlock, got in touch with the early Material Design, and attended Google I/O 2013, When Google launched Android Studio, it was a small but significant experience for me, not only because of what I learned, but also because of how much help I got from the people I met at the conference!

Since then, I’ve been working in mobile development (mostly Android) for over 10 years, helping a number of Brazilian tech companies and unicorns complete their Android projects, and since 2016 I’ve been a member of the Local Android GDE (Google development technologists).

Also, I love the development and design community, so I want to be as involved as possible. I am a former organizer of GDG Sao Paulo, founder and organizer of Kotlin Meetup Sao Paulo and Android Dev BR, the largest Brazilian/Portuguese-language Android community in the world, More than 7,500 members!

I also joined the national startup community as a mentor For ACE Startups in Brazil and Google For Startups Accelerator.

Q: What shortcut, trick or trick is indispensable to you?

A: Android Studio has a simple but powerful shortcut that I use a lot, multi-cursor instance selection, This is done by using Ctrl + G (macOS)/Alt + J (Windows + Linux) for incremental instance selection or Ctrl + Cmd + G/Shift + Ctrl + Alt + J to select all instances at once. It may seem silly, but this shortcut helps a lot when I’m writing code, especially when I’m refactoring. I use it every day!

Q: What is one piece of advice you would most like to share for developers new to Android?

A: I think I would sum up my advice in two words: learn and share.

Learn as much as you can, not only from the sheer volume of content available in official documentation and the community, but also from your own mistakes through constant practice. There’s a lot of free content online, and help from Google and GDEs (Google development technologists) like me can take developers a step further. Keep practicing and keep learning.

When you learn something new, share it with others. I got where I am today by sharing something that I couldn’t find in the course of my studies. Android has a great community to help developers, and you can reach out to the creators of the apis or libraries you’re using on Twitter, Reddit, and many other places. You can share your knowledge in many ways, such as writing articles, recording podcasts or videos.

The web is a powerful tool for learning and sharing, and I really recommend sharing content online. If necessary, I also hope to help you! 🙂

Nate Washington

Q: Tell me about your experience as an Android developer and how you got started.

A: I became an Android developer in 2015 when I was implementing my first business idea. I couldn’t afford to go to school, so I decided to try my hand at starting my own business. I developed a Web app, but the client insisted on a native app to meet their needs. I was looking for someone with more experience, but I decided to build an Android app on my own. Fast forward to 2017, and my co-founder Christian and I launched our company’s Android app Qoins on the Google Play Store. Since then, we’ve served tens of thousands of Android users and raised several rounds of funding.

Q: What shortcut, trick or trick is indispensable to you?

A: Being able to test the Android app we built on A virtual device really helped. There are many different scenarios to consider when building Android applications for thousands of different devices. Tools like Firebase Test Labs and other virtual appliance services allow me to create specific scenarios for real-world testing that I can’t do on my Android device.

Q: What is one piece of advice you would most like to share for developers new to Android?

A: Mistakes are not terrible. They are part of the process.

Yuki Anzai

Q: Tell me about your experience as an Android developer and how you got started.

A: My Android journey began when I got my first Android device, the HTC Magic, at Google’s 2009 Developer Conference (GDD). I was a college student writing my personal applications using JavaFX, so I was familiar with Java and had some experience with it. Soon, I started porting my apps to Android. After graduation, I worked for a software company, hoping to work in Android application development. But there doesn’t seem to be much opportunity in that company. So I started my own small company as an Android app development agency.

Q: What Android development shortcut, trick, or trick is indispensable to you?

A: There are many. If I had to pick one, it would be Android Studio. Since I started out developing Android applications using Eclipse, I’ve always appreciated the excellence of Android Studio. (I can’t do without Kotlin, RecyclerView, ConstraintLayout…)

Android Studio has a shortcut that I can’t live without, and that’s Command + B (go to declare or use location). This shortcut allows me to jump freely between declared and used locations. This is useful when reading source code, both Android platform and library code.

Q: What is one piece of advice you would most like to share for developers new to Android?

A: Read the official documentation. Read the source code for the platforms and libraries used. One way to speed up learning is to build an app from start to finish (right before it hits the market).

Don’t over-rely on libraries, especially if they affect the entire structure of your application. Your application may last longer than inventory.

Madona Syombua

Q: Tell me about your experience as an Android developer and how you got started.

A: My journey to Android began in early 2014, when I was A junior Java developer at A small company building inventory systems. However, I am not interested in this job. I am looking for a good job where I can use my Java knowledge. I bought my first phone, a Nokia, and when I saw the apps on the phone, I wondered how they made them. I researched and discovered that these applications were actually written in Java, and I started this journey.

I remember the first app I built, Simple Math, that had just a few activities in it because there were no fragments. In retrospect, we’ve made a lot of progress over the years. With 500 downloads and a 4.5 rating, Simple Math inspired me to build more apps. Then I won the 2018 Grow with Google Growth Program Scholarship, which boosted my career. During this one-year academic study, I introduced my second App, Budgeting Buddy, in Google Play, with a score of 4.5 and more than 5,000 downloads. I’m currently working at Streem as an Android engineer and am very pleased with the progress Android has made over the years, as well as the technical and maintenance improvements, especially the emulators.

Q: What Android development shortcut, trick, or trick is indispensable to you?

A: One of the shortcuts I can’t live without are [options + Command + L] and [options + Command + O], which help me A lot when I’m executing pull requests. Another great trick I learned was the Git local history option, which really made a difference. Sometimes I might forget what I’ve changed, but it always helps me remember in time.

Q: What is one piece of advice you would most like to share for developers new to Android?

A: Actually, when I fully transited to mobile development, I felt like it was A lifetime learning curve that I had to adapt to, and it really helped me. Stay on the cutting edge of change by keeping abreast of new features, what others are recommending, and why you need them. For example, Room is an amazing development, and now there’s a dagger Hilt and so on. So if I were to answer this question and offer some advice to new developers, it would be to be ready to learn, and you’ll have fun developing Android.

We pride ourselves on the inclusiveness of the Android developer community and welcome all developers from different backgrounds and life experiences to join us. If you’re also inspired, these resources can help you get started:

  • To explore the developer. The android. Google. Cn
  • Follow Google developers on wechat
  • Subscribe to our website B official account
  • Subscribe to our YouTube channel

There are many more developers planning to invite you to join:

“Developer Talk · DTalk” invites Chinese developers to provide product/technical content related to Google Mobile Apps (Apps & Games). Welcome to share your mobile app industry insight or insight, experience or new discovery in the process of mobile development, as well as the practical experience summary of the application and the use of relevant products feedback. We sincerely hope to provide a better platform for these outstanding Chinese developers to showcase themselves and give full play to their strengths. We will select outstanding cases through your technical content for Google Development Technology Expert (GDE) recommendation. Click here to sign up for Developer Talk · DTalk now.

Google Developer Groups (GDG) give developers a chance to meet local developers with similar technology interests. GDG offline gathering events cover discussions on a variety of technical topics, and you can learn new skills through hands-on workshops.

Join your city community: developers. Google. Cn/community/g…

Founded in 2014, Google’s Women Techmakers program is dedicated to helping all Women excel in technology through community, awareness and resources. More than 100,000 women developers have joined the program, and we’re working with communities around the world to create an environment that supports all women in tech to grow and advance.

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The Google Developers Experts (GDE) program is a global network of experienced technologists, influencers, and thought leaders who actively support Developers, companies, and the technology community by speaking at events, publishing content, and developing innovative apps. Gdes contribute and support an ecosystem of developers and startups around the world to build and deliver innovative applications. Click here for details.

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