1. Do you need better, cleaner journals

Illegible logs are a big problem when you are developing a Flutter application because there is no quick way to filter your logs based on the severity of the problem. Throw an exception or log a simple debug message? They all look the same.

If you need a better logging system for your Flutter app, the Logger package is definitely a good thing.

Logger package address: pub.dev/packages/lo…

It is inspired by Java hierarchical logging and allows you to add levels to logs.

Log levels, including:

logger.v("Add more detailed debug messages, "
    "can contain sensitive information, never enable it in production");

logger.d("Fine grained information to debug an application");

logger.i("Track the flow of the application");

logger.w("A potential but expected problem");

logger.e("A real failure that may impact the application state");
Copy the code

For some reason, the other thing that’s special is that

logger.wtf("WTF logs??")
Copy the code

Not only that, but you can also shake your device to view on-screen logs. (PS: Import is requiredlogger_flutterPackage)

2. The API is not ready from the back end, or is there no API at all? The application hardcodes its own data?

If you’re still struggling with coding, coding all your own data because you don’t have their APIS ready in the background or none at all, if you still want your UI to make sense, you can use the Faker package — Jesper Hakansson — to generate meaningful data for your application.

Inspired by the Python package Faker and the Ruby package Ffaker, this package can provide all kinds of data, from fake names to fake dates, and even random fake urls.

Just create a simple object like this

var faker = new Faker();
Copy the code

Here is an example of using faker objects

Copy the code

There is also a wider variety of data available under this package, which is a good alternative to hard-coding your own data, which is hard to replace as projects become more complex.

Faker package address: pub.dev/packages/fa…

3. Do you need to build the model quickly when the API returns a complex data structure?

Although I shared this article on parsing complex JSON back in 2018, it’s still very popular today.


It’s worth noting that this article is a good theoretical review of Dart parsing JSON, but I don’t recommend manual parsing when building an actual complex project.

Why not?

Manual operation will certainly take a long time.

And you’re more likely to make mistakes.

I prefer to use a converter tool or a parser, which can be done in a few seconds compared to manual parsing.

When it comes to JSON serialization, you can find some recommended methods in the Flutter documentation.

One recommendation, of course, is the code generation library, which will generate code templates for you. But it still requires some initial setup, which I don’t like.

So, my preferred tool has always been QuickType. IO. Online tools maintained by a group of open source developers.

Simply go to the website and select Dart as the output language.

Paste the JSON onto the left, and the Dart Model class and JSON serialization logic will soon be created on the right.

Add this class to your Flutter project and you can use it.

4. Preview your application from a running emulator/device

As an Android developer, just creating XML for different screen sizes can take days, because Android devices come in different shapes and sizes, and it’s important that you get your application to behave consistently across devices. The situation is no different for iOS developers, as Apple’s iPhone has a wide range of screen sizes. Sometimes we also have to support tablet or iPad devices.

Does that mean I need to download a lot of emulators or buy different phones for my team to test our app’s UI on different devices?

Last year, at Flutter Interactive 2019, Zoey Fan and Chris Sells talked about the Flutter Octopus, where you can debug your apps on multiple platforms and devices simultaneously.

This is useful to see how your application performs on different devices. But would you really set up so many devices just to check the responsiveness of your UI?

I don’t think so

Alois Daniel’s Flutter Device Preview came to our rescue. Super handy tool that lets you preview applications on devices of different sizes from a single running emulator/device.

Easily preview apps on different screen sizes and platforms, from the size of a normal phone to the size of a tablet or even a watch screen. This is a good way to check if your application is overflowing. Not only that, but there are other cool features

★ Change the orientation of your application and preview the responsiveness of your application in different directions.

★ Update configuration, such as text scaling factor, application theme, region

★ Take screenshots so you can share them with your team.

All this does not affect the state of the application!

Device_preview: pub.dev/packages/de…

5. Learn with beta and work with stable

If you build applications with Flutter, you are likely to develop and deploy your application using a stable version of Flutter. Who would risk developing a customer project on an experimental version of Flutter, right?

However, you’re an experimental developer, you’re building projects outside of your client or company projects, and you’re eager to try out new beta releases and try out new features.

However, this means that uninstalling the current stable version and then installing the beta version will take a lot of time to download resources for the new version.

When you’re back working on a client project, you’ll have to uninstall the beta and reinstall the stable.

The helpless

So, another tool to rescue you — The Flutter Version Manager by Leo Farias.

You can use this tool to manage multiple versions of Flutter without having to download them every time you switch. This is just a one-time setup where you download all versions at once like this –

fvm install beta
Copy the code

Or the specified version

 fvm install <version>
Copy the code

You can switch between versions with a single command, like this

fvm use stable
Copy the code

You can specify a version of Flutter for each of your projects.

cd Documents/FlutterProjects/ExperimentalProject
fvm use beta
Copy the code


cd Documents/FlutterProjects/ClientProject
fvm use stable
Copy the code

The only thing that changes after you install FVM is that all of your commands will be slightly modified.

Just like a flutter doctor, become a FVM flutter doctor

It’s easy to remember.

FVM package address: pub.dev/packages/fv…


This article is a translation of medium

Complete sample

All of the code examples above are on the author’s GiuHub,Github.com/jack0-0wu/f…