FlutterUtilsThe most complete tool class in the whole network


  • 01. Event notification Bus class
  • 02. Color The Color tool class
  • 03. Date conversion tool class
  • 04.File tool class
  • 05.Sql database tool class
  • 06.Json conversion tool class
  • 07.Log Log printing tool class
  • 08. Screen parameter tool class
  • 09.Sp lightweight storage tool class
  • 10. Auxiliary computing tools
  • 11. Encryption and decryption tool classes
  • 12.Num format processing tool class
  • 13. Tool class for obtaining device parameters
  • 14. Image processing tools
  • 15. Network processing tools
  • 16. Common regular tool class
  • 17.Object Common utility class
  • 18. Verify related tool classes
  • 19. Route management tools
  • 20.Bus event utility class
  • 21.Text The Text utility class
  • 22. I18 Extension tool class
  • 23.Time Tool class
  • 24.SPI help tool class
  • 25. Timer helper class
  • 26. Common extension tool classes
  • 27. Memory cache tool class
  • 28. Clear the operation tool class
  • 29. Codec related tools
  • 30. Reflection related tool classes
  • 31. Resource related tool classes
  • 32. Snackbar tools
  • 33. Transform related tool classes
  • 34. Global exception catching tool
  • 35. Parse data utility class
  • 36. Byte conversion tool class
  • 40. Other related tool classes

00. Description of the library

  • The library address: github.com/yangchong21…

00.1 Summary of the library tool classes

Utility class Functional specifications
EventBusService Bus event notification utility class that implements the subscriber mode. Used to communicate between components
CalculateUtils Calculate the width and height of the text
ColorUtils Convert RGB/ARGB to hexadecimal string Color or Color
DateFormats Common Chinese, English date time conversion format. Contains most date formats
DateUtils Date tool class, get date and time, conversion operations between various times
EncryptUtils Encryption and decryption tools, mainly md5 encryption, base64 encryption and decryption, xOR encryption and decryption, etc
ExtensionXxx Extension classes, including int, list, map, set, num, string, etc., have most common operations
TransformUtils Conversion tool class, including int, string conversion binary, letter case conversion and so on
ValidatorUtils Check tool class, including common types, images, URL, mailbox, phone, resource file, camel name and other check
ExtensionXxx Extension classes, including int, list, map, set, num, string, etc., have most common operations
TransformUtils Conversion tool class, including int, string conversion binary, letter case conversion and so on
FileUtils File cache class, mainly to store and get string, Map, Json data, write to the local file
TransformUtils Conversion tool class, including int, string conversion binary, letter case conversion and so on
AppLocalizations I18, you can set the locale, get the string in the language
ImageUtils Image tool class, mainly responsible for image and base64 transformation, loading network images, switching round corners, circles and so on
JsonUtils Json conversion tool class, is mainly responsible for list, map, object and JSON conversion between
get_it The SPI interface implementation separates and decouples the interface (abstract base class) from the concrete implementation
LogUtils Log tool, set log switch, log length, filter labels, and print five types of logs
NumUtils Num format tool class, mainly responsible for Num related processing and conversion operations
ObjectUtils Object superclass tool class, responsible for various Object judgment, obtain the length of the operation
RegexConstants Regular constants for common regular expressions. Refer to AndroidUtils for this section
RegexUtils Regular expression tool class, mainly telephone, ID, mailbox, IP, network and other verification
ScreenUtils Screen tool class to get the width and height of the screen, as well as the pixel density ratio
SpUtils Sp storage tool class, suitable for storing lightweight data, do not recommend to store JSON long string
TextUtils Text tool class, mainly handle string thumbnail, *, compare, remove and other operations
TimerUtils Down timer tool class, set the total countdown time, interval time, start pause, etc
UrlUtils Url tool class, get url host, parameters, verification and other operations
SystemUtils System tool class, copy content to clipboard, pop up and close soft keyboard, clear data, etc
OtherUtils RandomUtils Random tool class, SnackUtils, PlatformUtils platform tool class
MVP MVP architecture template for the Flutter version, to be improved…

How does 00.2 use the library

  • Specific documents can be demo

01. Event notification Bus class

  • Event bus
    • The subscriber pattern, which includes the roles of publisher and subscriber, is typically implemented.
  • The first way is to implement the bus using the map set to store the key for the event eventName and the value for EventCallback
    // Register to listen to bus
    _subscription = EventBusService.instance.eventBus.on<EventMessage>().listen((event) {
          String name = event.eventName;
          // The foreground/background switch has changed
          if (name == "eventBus1") {
            var busMessage = event.arguments["busMessage"]; setState(() { message1 = busMessage; }); }});// Send the message
      arguments: {"busMessage": "Send bus message 1"}));// Page destroy to clear the bus
    if(_subscription ! =null) {
      _subscription = null;
    Copy the code
  • The second way is to implement bus event notification using StreamController
    Bus. on("eventBus2", (arg) {var busMessage = arg; SetState (() {message2 = "receive message:" + busMessage; }); }); Var arg = "send bus message 1"; bus.emit("eventBus2", arg); // Remove message bus.off("eventBus2", (arg) {});Copy the code

02. Color The Color tool class

  • Color Color tool class. Convert RGB or ARGB colors to Color objects, hexadecimal Color strings, etc.
    HexToColor: convert #FF6325 Color or #50A357D6 Color to hexadecimal Color colorString: ColorString: Checks whether the string is hexadecimalCopy the code

03. Date conversion tool class

  • Date conversion tool class. The main methods are to get the current date, format the time in a specified format, and a variety of date formatting tools
    GetNowDateTime: Get the current date return DateTime getYesterday: Get the yesterday date return DateTime getNowUtcDateTime: GetNowDateTimeFormat: Gets the current date and returns the specified format. GetUtcDateTimeFormat: Gets the current date and returns the specified format. IsYesterday: GetNowDateString getNowDateString getNowDateString getNowDateString getNowDateString getNowDateString getNowDateString getNowDateString getNowDateString getNowDateString getNowDateString getNowDateString getNowDateString getNowDateString getNowDateString getNowDateString The first field is dateTime, and the second option represents the format formatDateString: FormatDateMilliseconds: for example: '2021-07-18 16:03:10' for example: 'YYYY /M/d HH:mm:ss' for example: Format dateTime milliseconds. The first field is 1213423143312, and the second field is "YYYY /M/d HH:mm:ss". GetWeekday: Obtains dateTime milliseconds. IsToday: indicates whether it isToday based on the timestamp. IsYesterday: indicates whether it was yesterday based on the timeCopy the code

04.File tool class

4.1 File Storage Tool classes

  • File storage tool class. This is to store and get String, Json and other files, this is to store to the local file file
    GetTempDir: Gets a temporary directory (cache) that the system can clean at any time. GetAppDocDir: Gets the application's directory for storing files that only it can access. The directory is cleared only when the application is deleted. ReadStringDir: Gets data from existing files. By default, it reads to the application directory writeJsonFileDir: WriteStringDir: uses a file to store strings. By default, writeStringDir: writes to an application directory. ClearFileDataDir: deletes cached data. Delete a cache file writeJsonCustomFile: writes a JSON file with a custom path writeStringFile: uses a file to store strings with a custom path readStringCustomFile: Obtains data stored in a file with a custom pathCopy the code

4.2 File management Tools

  • File management tool class. The main operation is to create different directory paths, create files, or directory paths.
    GetTempPath: Obtains the path of the temporary directory on the device. This directory is not backed up and is suitable for storing the cache of downloaded files. GetAppDocPath: Gets the application's directory for storing files that only it can access. The directory is cleared only when the application is deleted. GetStoragePath: path of the directory where the application can access top-level storage createDirSync: Creates a file asynchronously createDir: creates a file synchronously createTempDir: creates a temporary directory createAppDocDir: creates a temporary directory Create a directory to retrieve the applicationCopy the code

05.Sql database tool class

  • To be perfect

06.Json conversion tool class

  • Json transformation tool class. Json conversion common operations, gradually improve the list, map and JSON string conversion and so on.
    PrintJson: print printJsonEncode: print encodeObj: Convert an object [value] to a Json string getObj: GetObject: Converts A JSON string to an object or JSON map [source] to an object. GetObjList: Converts a JSON string list [source] to an object. GetObjectList: converts a JSON string list [source] to an object. Converts a JSON string or JSON mapping list [source] to an object listCopy the code

07.Log Log printing tool class

  • Log Log printing tool class. Five different types of logs. Tag filtering can also be added.
    Init: initializes the log, customizes the tag, specifies whether the debug environment is correct, and specifies the maximum length of the log. These fields are optional. D: Prints debug logs. E: Prints error logsCopy the code

08. Screen parameter tool class

  • Screen parameter tool class. Get screen width, height, pixel density, status bar, etc. Later perfect adaptation work……
    ScreenWidthDp: current device width dp screenHeightDp: current device height DP pixelRatio: current device pixel density screenWidth: ScreenHeight: current device width px = dp * density screenHeight: current device height px = dp * density Bottom safe zone distance DP textScaleFactory: The number of pixels of the font in pixels, the scale of the fontCopy the code

09.Sp lightweight storage tool class

  • Sp lightweight storage tool. Sp storage and access to int, String, list, map and other data operations.
    HasKey: determines whether data for keys exists putObject: stores data of type object. GetObject: Gets map data for keys in sp. PutObjectList: Storage sp key list collection getObjectList: the set of access to key in the sp list get string: for sp, key string putString: storage sp key string getBool: PutBool: stores the Boolean value of the key in sp. GetInt: Stores the int value of the key in SP. PutInt: Stores the int value of the key in SP. GetDouble: stores the int value of the key in SP. For key in the sp double value putDouble: storage sp double value of the key getStringList: access to key in the sp list < String > value putStringList: PutStringMap: stores list<String> values of keys in sp getStringMap: obtains map values of keys in SP putStringMap: stores map values of keys in SP getDynamic: stores list<String> values of keys in SP GetKeys: Obtains all keys in SP. Remove: removes values of keys in SP. Clear: clears sp. IsInitialized: checks initialization. ForEach: Checks initialization. Iterate over the key and value of the print SPCopy the code

11. Encryption and decryption tool classes

  • Encryption and decryption tool classes. Currently, base64 encryption and decryption and MD5 encryption are supported. Later gradually improve more encryption methods……
    EncodeMd5: MD5 encrypted string, this is irreversible encodeBase64: Base64 encrypted string decodeBase64: Base64 decrypted string xorBase64Encode: XorBase64Decode: XORBase64 decryptionCopy the code

12.Num format processing tool class

  • Format processing tool class. It mainly deals with operations related to num format conversion.
    IsNum: checks whether the string is an int or a double. GetIntByValueString: converts the numeric string to an int. If the string is not a number, convert to 0. GetDoubleByValueString: Convert a numeric string to a double. GetNumByValueString: converts the numeric string to num with the x decimal place reserved. GetNumByValueDouble: Saves the x decimal place for a floating point number. AddNum: converts the x decimal place for a floating point number. DivideNum: divide two numbers (to prevent precision loss) addDecString: divide two numbers (to prevent precision loss). SubtractDecString: subtracting two numbers (to prevent accuracy loss). MultiplyDecString: multiplying two numbers (to prevent accuracy loss). DivideDecString: dividing two numbers (to prevent accuracy loss).Copy the code

14. Image processing tools

  • Other to be improved, add rounded corners, circular cutting pictures, and processing local images and other methods. Later to improve the acquisition of image attributes, image compression, a variety of fillet method.
    FileToBase64: Convert file to Base64 networkImageToBase64: fileToBase64: Convert file to Base64 ShowNetImageWh: Load the network image and specify the width and height. Use default preloading loading and error view showNetImageWhError: Load network images and specify width and height. Pass in the error view showNetImageWhPlaceError: Load the network image and specify the width and height. ShowNetImageWhClip: Load the network image and specify the width and height. Cut the rounded corners. ShowNetImageCircle: Load the network image and cut the round imageCopy the code

15. Network processing tools

15.1 Network request tool class

15.2 Url Parsing tool class

  • Tool classes for dealing with URL parsing
    GetFirstPath: Gets the first parameter in the URL. GetUrlHost: gets the host in the URL. GetUrlScheme: Get url link Scheme getFirstPath: Get the first parameter in the URL. IsURL: Return the regular expression of whether the input matches the URLCopy the code

16. Common regular tool class

  • Use regular expressions, borrow from AndroidUtils utility classes, and convert Java to Dart
    IsMobileSimple: indicates that the mobile phone number is simple. IsMobileExact: indicates that the mobile phone number is exact. IsTel: indicates that the phone number is accurate. IsIDCard18Exact: indicates the exact id number. 18-digit isEmail: indicates the email address. IsURL: indicates the URL. Verify date verification in YYYY-MM-DD format, with a flat leap year in mind. IsIP: Verify THE IP address. Match: Determine whether the match is regular RegexConstants. RegexConstants.REGEX_BLANK_LINE: blank line RegexConstants.REGEX_QQ_NUM: QQ id RegexConstants.REGEX_CHINA_POSTAL_CODE: Postcode RegexConstants.REGEX_INTEGER: Integer RegexConstants.REGEX_POSITIVE_INTEGER: Positive integer RegexConstants.REGEX_NEGATIVE_INTEGER: Negative integer RegexConstants.REGEX_NOT_NEGATIVE_INTEGER: Non-negative integer RegexConstants.REGEX_NOT_POSITIVE_INTEGER: non-positive integer RegexConstants.REGEX_FLOAT: Floating point RegexConstants.REGEX_POSITIVE_FLOAT: Positive floating point RegexConstants.REGEX_NEGATIVE_FLOAT: Negative floating point RegexConstants.REGEX_NOT_NEGATIVE_FLOAT: non-negative floating point RegexConstants.REGEX_NOT_POSITIVE_FLOAT: non-positive floating pointCopy the code

17.Object Common utility class

  • Object related utility classes are as follows:
    IsNull: checks whether the object isNull. IsNullOrBlank: checks whether the data is empty or empty (or contains only Spaces). IsEmptyString: checks whether the string is empty. IsEmpty: determines whether object isEmpty. IsNotEmpty: determines whether object isNotEmpty. CompareListIsEqual: compares two sets to see if they are the sameCopy the code

18. Verify related tool classes

  • Verify the relevant utility classes
    IsNumericOnly: Checks whether the string contains only numbers. IsAlphabetOnly: checks whether the string contains only letters. IsVector: Checks whether the string is a vector file. IsImage: checks whether the string is an image file. IsAudio: checks whether the string is an audio file. IsDocument: Checks whether the string is a doc file. IsExcel: Checks whether the string is an Excel file. IsPPT: Checks whether the string is a PPT file. IsPDF: Checks if the string is a PDF file. IsHTML: Checks if the string is an HTML file. IsURL: Checks if the string is a URL file. IsDateTime: checks whether the string is the email file. IsMD5: checks whether the string isMD5. IsSHA1: checks whether the string isSHA1. Check whether the string for ipv4 isIPv6: check whether the string for ipv6 isPalindrome: check whether the string for palindrome isCaseInsensitiveContains: check whether contain b (lowercase letters as same or explain). IsCaseInsensitiveContainsAny: check whether does it include a, b or b contains a (lowercase letters as the same). IsCamelCase: Checks whether the string value is humped. IsCapitalize: Checks whether the string value is capitalizedCopy the code

19. Route management tools

21.Text The Text utility class

  • The text-related tool classes are as follows:
    IsEmpty: determine whether the text content isEmpty isNotEmpty: determine whether the text content isNotEmpty startsWith: determine whether the string startsWith xx contains abbreviate: Use the dot abbreviation string compare: compare two strings to see if they are the same hammingDistance: Compare two strings of the same length with different characters. HideNumber: hide the middle n bits of the mobile phone number. For example, hide the mobile phone number 13667225184 as 136****5184 replace: replace the data in the string split: Return the array reverse: reverses the stringCopy the code

22. I18 Extension tool class

  • LocatizationExtensionState class: String get String (String id)
    • Get content in different Locales channel languages. For example: var name = context.getString(“name”);
  • LocatizationExtensionContext class: String get String (String id)
    • Get content in different Locales channel languages
  • How to add content in different channel languages. In the main function before runApp
    AppLocalizations.supportedLocales = [
        const Locale('en'.'US'),
        const Locale('pt'.'BR'),
        const Locale('ja'.'JP'),
        const Locale('zh'.'CN')];Copy the code

23.Time Tool class

24.SPI help tool class

  • A Brief introduction to SPI
    • Service Locator separates and decouples the interface (abstract base class) from the concrete implementation, while allowing access to the concrete implementation from any location in the App through the interface.
    // Register GetIt serviceLocator = GetIt. Instance; getIt.registerSingleton<BusinessService>(new BusinessServiceImpl()); BusinessService = serviceLocator<BusinessService>(); businessService.noneBusinessPattern(); / / the third solution to tie the serviceLocator. ResetLazySingleton < BusinessService > ();Copy the code

25. Timer helper class

  • Timer helper class
    TimerUtils: set the countdown Timer setTotalTime: Set the total countdown time setInterval: set the Timer interval startTimer: start the Timer Timer updateTotalTime: Reset the total countdown time isActive: determines whether the Timer is started. PauseTimer: Suspends the countdown Timer. Cancel: cancels the countdown TimerCopy the code

26. Common extension tool classes

Int extension class: ExtensionInt

  • ExtensionInt expanding class
    IsOneAKind: Check whether all the data has the same value. ToBinaryInt: Check whether the int is a palindrome. Converts an int value to a binary stringCopy the code

26.2 List Extension: ExtensionList

  • ExtensionList expanding class
    ToJsonString: converts list toJsonString getJsonPretty: converts list toJsonString, newline valueTotal: gets total value of num list (int/double) isNull: IsNullOrBlank: Checks whether the data is empty or empty (empty or contains only Spaces)Copy the code

26.3 Map Extension class: ExtensionMap

  • ExtensionMap extension class
    ToJsonString: converts a map to a JSON string. GetJsonPretty: converts a map to a JSON string. Newline.Copy the code

26.4 String Extension class: ExtensionString

  • ExtensionString expanding class
    IsNull: checks whether the object isNull. IsNullOrBlank: checks whether the data is empty or empty (empty or contains only Spaces). IsNumericOnly: checks whether the string contains only numbers. IsVector: Checks whether the string is a vector file. IsImage: checks whether the string is an image file. IsAudio: checks whether the string is an audio file. IsDocument: Checks whether the string is a doc file. IsExcel: Checks whether the string is an Excel file. IsPPT: Checks whether the string is a PPT file. IsPDF: Checks if the string is a PDF file. IsHTML: Checks if the string is an HTML file. IsURL: Checks if the string is a URL file. IsDateTime: checks whether the string is the email file. IsMD5: checks whether the string isMD5. IsSHA1: checks whether the string isSHA1. Check whether the string for ipv4 isIPv6: check whether the string for ipv6 isPalindrome: check whether the string for palindrome isCaseInsensitiveContains: check whether contain b (lowercase letters as same or explain). IsCaseInsensitiveContainsAny: check whether does it include a, b or b contains a (lowercase letters as the same). IsCamelCase: Checks whether the string value is humped. IsCapitalize: Checks whether the string value is capitalizedCopy the code

33. Transform related tool classes

  • Transform the related operation tool classes
    You can use toBinaryInt to transform an int into a binary and capitalize the capitalize that you bring to the book CapitalizeFirst: Capitalize the first letter of the string and the other letters in lowercase removeAllWhitespace: remove all Spaces in the string. NumericOnly: Extract the numeric value of the stringCopy the code

34. Global exception catching tool

  • For flutter global exception capture, use: handLE_Exception
    // If used, in the main method, look like this: hookCrash(() {runApp(MainApp()); });Copy the code
  • To capture a printout:
    I/flutter (9506) : yc e -- -- -- -- -- st -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I/flutter (9506) : yc e | handle_exception: e---->MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method getAll on channel plugins.flutter.io/shared_ I/flutter ( 9506) : yc e | preferences) I/flutter (9506) : yc e -- -- -- -- -- - Ed -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I/flutter (9506) : yc e handle_exception : stack---->Copy the code

35. Parse data utility class

  • Parse XML/HTML data utility class

36. Byte conversion tool class

  • ByteUtils transforms the related operation tool class
    ToBinary: convert the int toBinary toReadable: convert the byte array to a readable string toBase64: convert the byte array to a base64 string fromBase64: convert the base64 string to a byte array clone: Clone byte array same: determine whether two bytes are identical Extract: extract data from a sequence of bytes Combine: combine two bytes insert: insert a byte into an index of a byte remove: remove a byte from an index of a byteCopy the code

40. Other related tool classes

40.2 Random tool class

  • RandomUtils
    RandomColor: generates a random integer representing a hexadecimal color randomString: generates a randomString of a specified length or random length randInt: generates a random number between the beginning and the end randomElement: returns a randomElement from a listCopy the code

40.3 Obtaining platform tools

  • PlatformUtils. The utility class can differentiate platform information by taking the platform and then setting a value.
    final value = PlatformUtils.select( ios: "ios", android: "android", web: "web", fuchsia: "fuchsia", macOS: () => "macOS", windows: () => "windows", linux: () => "linux", ); // As a result, on an Android device, value is: AndroidCopy the code

Clipboard tool class

  • System tools, mainly soft keyboard operations and copy content to the clipboard
    CopyToClipboard: copies the text to the clipboard. HideKeyboard: hides the soft keyboard. For details, see the following: TextInputChannel showKeyboard: displays the soft keyboardCopy the code

41. Reference items and blogs

  • Github.com/Blankj/Andr…
  • Pub. Dev/packages/em…
  • Blog.csdn.net/iotjin/arti…
  • Cloud.tencent.com/developer/a…
  • Blog.csdn.net/yechaoa/art…
  • Blog.csdn.net/aau88497/ar…
  • Github.com/Sky24n/flus…
  • Github.com/a14n/dart-d…
  • Pub. Dev/packages? Q =…

The library address:Github.com/yangchong21…