“This is the 23rd day of my participation in the Gwen Challenge in November. Check out the details: The Last Gwen Challenge in 2021”


Yesterday we briefly introduced the functions of styled_widget. Today we will take a closer look at what widgets are available in the styled_widget framework and how they are implemented

The Icon is introduced

Now that we’ve covered widget extensions, let’s take a look at ICONS and List extensions

IconSize and iconColor

Function: Change icon size and color

The extension contains a copywith method that copies an icon and modifies the properties

T copyWith({
  double? size,
  Color? color,
  String? semanticLabel,
  TextDirection? textDirection,
}) =>
    (this is _StyledAnimatedIconContainer
        ? _StyledAnimatedIconContainer(
            color: color ?? this.color,
            size: size ?? this.size,
            semanticLabel: semanticLabel ?? this.semanticLabel,
            textDirection: textDirection ?? this.textDirection,
        : Icon(
            color: color ?? this.color,
            size: size ?? this.size,
            semanticLabel: semanticLabel ?? this.semanticLabel,
            textDirection: textDirection ?? this.textDirection,
          )) as T
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Then when we call iconSize or iconColor, copyWith will be called internally to change color or size to achieve the purpose of changing color and size

T iconSize(double size) => this.copyWith(size: size);
T iconColor(Color color) => this.copyWith(color: color);
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Method of use

  child: IconButton(onPressed: ()=>print('11'), icon: Icon(Icons.print).iconColor(Colors.red).iconSize(50)).center()
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The List is introduced

StyledList extends List to include toColumn, toRow, and toStack


Features: Vertical layout

Default parameters:

TextDirection? TextDirection: Text arrangement direction

TextBaseline? TextBaseline: textBaseline

Widget? The separator: line

Optional parameters:

MainAxisAlignment MainAxisAlignment = MainAxisAlignment. Start: Axis alignment, which is vertical for Column

MainAxisSize MainAxisSize = mainAxissize. Max: indicates the spindle size

CrossAxisAlignment CrossAxisAlignment = CrossAxisAlignment. Center: cross shaft alignment

VerticalDirection VerticalDirection = VerticalDirection. Down: Controls the vertical layout

Method of use

  child: [
      height: 50,
      width: 100,
      color: Colors.red,
      height: 100,
      width: 100,
      color: Colors.green,
      height: 150,
      width: 100,
      color: Colors.blue,
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Function: Horizontal layout

Default parameters:

TextDirection? TextDirection: Text arrangement direction

TextBaseline? TextBaseline: textBaseline

Widget? The separator: line

Optional parameters:

MainAxisAlignment MainAxisAlignment = MainAxisAlignment. Start: Axis alignment, which is vertical for Column

MainAxisSize MainAxisSize = mainAxissize. Max: indicates the spindle size

CrossAxisAlignment CrossAxisAlignment = CrossAxisAlignment. Center: cross shaft alignment

VerticalDirection VerticalDirection = VerticalDirection. Down: Controls the vertical layout

Method of use

  child: [
      height: 50,
      width: 100,
      color: Colors.red,
      height: 100,
      width: 100,
      color: Colors.green,
      height: 150,
      width: 100,
      color: Colors.blue,
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Function: Horizontal layout

Default parameters:

TextDirection? TextDirection: Text arrangement direction

Optional parameters:

AlignmentGeometry alignment = AlignmentDirectional.topStart:

StackFit Fit = stackfit. loose: Determines unlocated components

Clip. HardEdge: Clipping mode

Method of use

  child: [
      height: 150,
      width: 100,
      color: Colors.blue,
      height: 100,
      width: 100,
      color: Colors.green,
      height: 50,
      width: 100,
      color: Colors.red,
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Today I have finished the list and icon extensions, and tomorrow I will talk about the text extensions

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