I am a little bit of a frontend. Recently I did some research on Flutter and did some resource collection
Flutter resource collection, keep updating. Welcome to add to Github if there are good resources available
The latest
- Flutter is a microblogging app that contains a home page, video, discovery, messages and a personal hub module
Foundation + Information
Because Chinese website
Flutter Chinese website 2
Flutter open source library
Flutter of actual combat
Awesome – FLUTTER: A collection of flutter projects, documents, and tutorials
Ali: Flutter – Go: Flutter developer help APP
FlutterScreens: Collections of components
Chart Library – Google Charts
FlutterBoost: a new generation of Flutter-Native hybrid solutions
Flutter plug-in
The date picker control for Flutter
Dart Home Page
Dart Packages
Online editor for the Dart language
Dart language online editor source code
Mining the community of Flutter
Zhihu Community of Flutter
Flutter Development component library Chinese community
Idle fish technology Flutter
Segmentfault: A Technology Q&A community
The Demo resources
Imitation netease Cloud music
Douban client: 100% restore douban client for the whole network
Book cabinet
Flutter Example Apps (Source Code + YouTube Link)
WanAndroid client based on Google Flutter
Flutter mimics Didi Travel (partially open source)
Open source Chinese client based on Google Flutter
GSYGithubApp: cross-platform open source Github client App
The timeline Demo
Flutter UIKit
High imitation book banner novel Flutter edition
Flutter implements over 100 beautiful UI pages
Flutter’s e-commerce project
InKino: Complete movie application
Music Player: A full-featured Music Player developed by Pawan Kumar
DroidKaigi2018- Flutter: Tokyo DroidKaigi2018’s unofficial meeting app
Develop Flutter version of Zhihu App
FlutterApp modeled after Luckin Coffee
Weather Check App
Copy the nuggets
Flutter imitation BOSS direct engagement
Imitation eye opening video
Flutter high imitation curiosity Daily
Flutter library resources
- Flutter: Loading animation library
THE Flutter app collection MADE BY THE Flutter community
A collection of FlutterDemo for the day
Flutter- Learning: Personal Open Source project, 2600Star
The Flutter nuggets column by Cat lover De Kuo