B standing video


In this section, the target

  • Demand analysis
  • Use blue Lake platform as annotation tool
  • Build Flutter Project

1 Requirements

1.1 stylesheet

  • color

  • component

  • icon

1.2 Organizing the Page + Component List

The name of the page Number of components
The welcome page 3
The login page 3
Home page 6
Search page 4
The news page 4

1.3 Check technical points

  • The data pull
  • Lazy loading of images
  • Image cache
  • News, channel, search history data cache

2. Use blue Lake platform as an annotation tool

2.1 Upload blue Lake

Support Sketch, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe XD, design image PNG

2.2 mark

2.3 Code Hints

2.4 Prototype Demonstration

3 build the Flutter project

3.1 Reusable small project structure

Blue Lake design draft

lanhuapp.com/url/lYuz1 Password: gSKl

Blue Lake now charges, so please upload xD design draft by yourself to check the mark. Commercial design draft file is not easy to share directly, you can add wechat to contact Ducafecat

Git code



  • B station
  • Tubing mirror


  • Blue Lake – Upload the blueprints

The elder brother of the © cat

WeChat: ducafecat
