SizeBox introduction

SizeBox is a box of specified size. It is used to limit the size of child controls. It can force child controls to have a specific width and height.

The sample code

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When is SizeBox used?

We know that we can’t specify the width and height of a button, so if we want to customize the width and height of a button, we can use SizeBox to limit it.

SizeBox property and description

field attribute describe
width double Width of box
height double Height of box

The SizeBox property is used in detail

1, width, height

Width specifies the box width, height specifies the box height

The complete code

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class SizeBoxExample extends StatefulWidget {
  _SizeBoxExampleState createState() => _SizeBoxExampleState();

class _SizeBoxExampleState extends State<SizeBoxExample> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text("SizeBoxExample"),
      body: Container(
        child: SizedBox(
          width: 200.0,
          height: 300.0,
          child: Card(child: Text('Hello World! '))))); }}Copy the code

SzieBox method and description

1, expand ()

Create a box as large as possible

const SizedBox.expand({ Key? key, Widget? child })
  : width = double.infinity,
    height = double.infinity,
    super(key: key, child: child);
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2, the shrink ()

Create an empty box

const SizedBox.shrink({ Key? key, Widget? child })
  : width = 0.0,
    height = 0.0.super(key: key, child: child);
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3, fromSize ()

Creates a box of the specified size

SizedBox.fromSize({ Key? key, Widget? child, Size? size })
  : width = size?.width,
    height = size?.height,
    super(key: key, child: child);
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FittedBox introduction

The FittedBox component is used to scale and align the child component when the content of the child component exceeds the size of the parent component.

FittedBox properties and description

field attribute describe
fit BoxFit Child component scale position adjustment
alignment AlignmentGeometry Alignment of child components
clipBehavior Clip How to clip the content of a child component

The FittedBox property is used in detail

1, fit,

It is mainly used to adjust the scaling position of child components. There are altogether 7 kinds of position adjustment, namely, fill contain cover fitWidth fitHeight None scaleDown. Next, we will talk about what effect these seven attributes represent respectively.

1.1, the fill

The image fills the entire control with unequal scaling

1.2, contain

Scale to equal proportions until the height or width of the image fills the control

1.3, cover

Zoom in and out of the control until the width and height of the image fill the entire control, but this will result in an incomplete display.

1.4, fitWidth

Equal scale scale, full width

1.5, fitHeight

Equal scale scaling, full height

1.6, none

Zoom in unevenly, keep the original image size and center it

1.7, scaleDown

Contain layout if the size of the image is larger than the control, and None if the width and height of the image is smaller than the control

2, alignment,

Alignments are mainly used to set the alignment of subcomponents, which are described in more detail in the Flutter Depth and Simplicity sections Align and AnimatedAlign

3, clipBehavior

Clipping sub-component content, there are altogether four kinds of clipping content, namely None hardEdge antiAlias antiAlias withSavelayer. This attribute is mainly used in combination with Bezier curve. In the later drawing, to focus on the key point, here is a brief overview of the functions of the four attributes.

3.1, none

No pattern clipping, normal effect

3.2, hardEdge

Do not use anti-aliasing for editing

3.3, antiAlias

Use anti-aliasing for editing

3.4, antiAliasWithSaveLayer

Clip with anti-aliasing and save the layer immediately after the clip


SizeBox is used to limit the size of child controls, such as the width and height of a button.

FittedBox is mainly used for zooming, alignment, and clipping of child controls.