TextField component is frequently used in the development. Since there are few documents when using TextField component, we hereby record the problems we usually encounter


Hide input box borders or underscores

Sometimes the default border of the input field does not meet the requirements of the design. We need a cleaner input field, which can be solved by setting the TextField decoration

  decoration: InputDecoration(
    hintText: "Please enter your account number",
    border: InputBorder.none,// Input border is set to null
    suffix: Image.asset("images/login_del.png", width: 20),),)Copy the code

The soft keyboard blocks the input box

This problem is relatively frequent. When our TextField is lower on the page, the pop-up soft keyboard will block the input box, and there are few solutions online. Later in use, I found that as long as the outer layer of any scrollable widgets on the line, hereby record

  child: Column(
    children: <Widget>[
      / /.. Content section, which contains the TextField control],),)Copy the code