At present, the cross-platform and high performance rendering engine has gradually become a hot spot in the big front-end field. As one of the star products, Flutter with its halo has a good chance of becoming the next mainstream cross-end solution. Xianyu is the first team to use Flutter in China, and also one of the teams with the deepest infiltration of Flutter business line. In the process of commercial evolution of Flutter, Xianyu has stepped on a lot of holes and accumulated a lot of experience. Based on the love for open source business, Now the Flutter technology team has deliberately put together a book of the mistakes and experiences they have encountered in their development.

Flutter open source collection of tools

Flutter application framework Fish Redux, AspectD, FlutterBoost and other development tools are open source. Now Flutter in Action can help you find them all at once. Learn how to apply the Flutter application framework and the principles of hybrid development!

Enterprise application practice of Flutter

With the development of wireless, IoT and 5G, mobile r&d is becoming more and more multi-terminal. The traditional development mode based on Native+Web+ server is inefficient in research and development, and obviously cannot meet the needs of development.

Flutter is Google’s open source cross-portable UI toolkit. In addition to excellent cross-render consistency, Flutter also has a very efficient development experience, rich out-of-the-box UI components, and performance comparable to Native. Because of its many advantages, Flutter has become a hot new technology in recent years.

In this book, we will explain in detail the cloud integration architecture of Xianyu Flutter& FAAS, the architecture evolution and innovation based on Flutter, and learn a comprehensive application scheme of Flutter architecture.

Mixed development practice guide

Here you will see guidance on the mixed development practices of the Wisefish technology team using a mix of Flutter technology retrofit and on-line complex business engineering practices, extracting Flutter dependency to remote implementation details, using Plugin Bridges to obtain device information, and using basic network libraries.

These practices are spread across all business lines and application scenarios, and will give you a practical way to build your own R&D system with Flutter.

In-depth tutorial on Flutter

You will also learn more about Flutter application scenarios in this book after obtaining open source tools and development practice guides.

They include in-depth information on how to cheaply implement rich Flutter text, design a highly accurate Flutter burial frame, surround Flutter textures, customizable Flutter album components, and more.

Around the above four aspects, you will learn about the commercialization and engineering of Flutter. The download link of this volume is