“This is the 26th day of my participation in the Gwen Challenge in November. Check out the details: The Last Gwen Challenge in 2021.”


Today we introduce a lightweight tripartite Get_Stroage for data persistence, which can be used with get and can also help us synchronize data before multiple isolations

Get_stroage introduction

The simplest and most rude reason why we use get_stroage is that it is fast. All changes can be made in a second. Let’s see how get_stroage compares with other three parties

Looking at the data comparison, we can find that both reading and writing have very fast speed. As for why we can achieve such a fast speed, we will introduce it tomorrow. Today, we will first look at the use method

Add and delete

How to use get_stroage

First we need to initialize GetStorage inside main function, after initialization we can use normally

main() async {
  await GetStorage.init();
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If called by instance, get the GetStorage instance first

final box = GetStorage();
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Written information

box.write('quote', 'GetX is the best');
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Read the information

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Delete the information

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You can also listen for all key-value pair changes, but of course you can remove that when you don’t need it anymore

Listen ((){print('box changed'); }); // Remove listener box.removelisten (listen);Copy the code

Of course, if you don’t want to listen to all of them and you only want to listen to one of them

box.listenKey('key', (value){
  print('new key is $value');
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Clear all container data

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When you want to create more than one container, you can do that too, remember the initialization method we used above, just pass in the parameters during initialization

await GetStorage.init('MyStorage');
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Of course, get also provides a quick and convenient extension method. When the value of a member variable changes, you do not need to store the data again, because it is already stored for you, you just need to use it

class MyPref { static final _otherBox = () => GetStorage('MyPref'); final username = ''.val('username'); final age = 0.val('age'); final price = 1000.val('price', getBox: _otherBox); // or final username2 = ReadWriteValue('username', ''); final age2 = ReadWriteValue('age', 0); final price2 = ReadWriteValue('price', '', _otherBox); }... void updateAge() { final age = 0.val('age'); // or final age = ReadWriteValue('age', 0, () => box); // or final age = Get.find<MyPref>().age; age.val = 1; // will save to box final realAge = age.val; // will read from box }Copy the code


Ok, today’s Get_Stroage use has been introduced, tomorrow look at the source code is how to achieve

I hope you can share some good three parties in the comments section, learn together and make progress together

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