1 AppBar

A typical AppBar, with drop-down menus for titles, actions, and spills.

2. Constructors

AppBar({ Key key, this.leading, this.automaticallyImplyLeading = true, this.title, this.actions, this.flexibleSpace, this.bottom, this.backgroundColor, this.brightness, this.iconTheme, this.textTheme, this.primary = true, This centerTitle, enclosing titleSpacing = NavigationToolbar. KMiddleSpacing, enclosing toolbarOpacity = 1.0, Enclosing bottomOpacity = 1.0,})Copy the code

3 Common Attributes

3.1 tleading: a control displayed in front of the title, usually showing the application logo on the home page; It is usually displayed as a back button on other screens

leading: IconButton(
    icon: Icon(Icons.menu),
    onPressed: () {},
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3.2 Title: Title, usually displayed as the title text of the current interface, can put components

title: "AppBarWidget",
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3.3 Actions: IconButton is usually used to represent groups of buttons

actions: <Widget>[
        icon: Icon(Icons.search),
        onPressed: () {},
        icon: Icon(Icons.more_horiz),
        onPressed: () {},
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3.4 Bottom: Usually put a tabBar with a Tab navigation bar under the title

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3.5 backgroundColor: navigation backgroundColor

backgroundColor: Colors.redAccent,
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3.6 centerTitle: Specifies whether to center the title. The default value varies with the OPERATING system (OS)

centerTitle: true,
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