This should be the last article of 2021. I have completed a KPI set in the middle of the year at the end of 2021.

  • Learn to Flutter

This project is still built on the basis of playing AndroidAPI. At present, it has completed the functions of home page, project classification, article system screening, personal center, login, registration, favorite page and so on.

The project address of Flutter is fuusy/flutter_read

In addition,

For Jetpack, go to Fuusy/Component-jetpack-mvVM

Project preview

Use a browser to scan the TWO-DIMENSIONAL code to download [light reading] experience.


Home page The login
The article system Personal center
Project classification The list of

The function point

  • Air safety: air safety adaptation based on 2.0;
  • Network: encapsulates Http requests and ADAPTS Dio network library;
  • Status management: Use the provider for unified status processing.
  • Page jump: Encapsulates the page jump component FRouter based on RouterDelegate.
  • UI components: Encapsulate toolbar, Article_item, navigationBar, banner and other UI components;
  • Drop-down, sliding load: encapsulation drop-down refresh load, sliding more components BaseRefreshLoadStateState;



Play the Android

Recommended reading:

[Open Source] Componentization +Jetpack+MVVM project combat, involving coroutine +Retrofit, Paging3+Room, etc