First, load the image to extract color to achieve gradient animation

Extract image color

Speaking of extracting image colors, the Paltte palette is most familiar to Android developers, as follows:

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What similar framework do we have for Flutter? Palette_generator

PaletteGenerator.fromImage(ui.Image image,Rect region,.....)

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To import, we simply import palette_generator: ^0.3.0 in pubspec.yaml

Ii. Effect Drawing (Gif)

Sampling logic

Var rectWidth = image.width / 3.0; Var rectHeight = image.height / 3.0; var color = await PaletteGenerator.fromImage(image, region: Rect.fromCenter( center: Offset(image.width / 2.0, image.height / 2.0), width: rectWidth, height: rectHeight), maximumColorCount: 5)Copy the code

By getting the size of the loaded image, the clipping area is taken from the middle, and the length and width are one third of the length and width of the image. Through the Stack control for two layers of alternating gradient animation effect.

Stack(children: [AnimatedOpacity(opacity: _placeVisible? 1.0:0.15, curve: Curves. EaseOut, duration: Duration(milliseconds: widget.duration), child: Container( width: widget.imageWidth, height: widget.imageHeight, color: _placeColor, ), ), FadeTransition( opacity: _curvedAnimation, child: SizedBox( width: widget.imageWidth, height: widget.imageHeight, child: Image( width: widget.imageWidth, height: widget.imageHeight, image: _imageProvider, fit:, )), ) ], )Copy the code

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