

We know that… This is a fulfillment of our commitment to the community!

After several months of precipitation, FlutterGo finally welcomed the second iteration update! Not only did we add the concept of a personal center, but we also provided third-party co-authorization tools, and we completed the development of FlutterGo Web. All these ~ can be found on our official website of FlutterGo!!

FlutterGo 2.0

This update

  • Official website of Flutter Go (official news, release, study)

  • Flutter Go Web Version (Web Version Learning Help)

    • Online Preview
    • The project address
  • Pull Request submission specification for Flutter Go Widget

  • User center (personal widget case)

    • User login (PassGitHubAccount)
    • Internet search (Internet searchFlutterInformation)
    • Bookmark personal components (save to remote)
    • Feedback and suggestions (APP onlineISSUES)
    • Sharing link (APP Sharing)
  • Go – cli tool

    • Flutter Gopull requesttool
    • Command line generationFlutter Go WidgetStandard common templates
    • markdownDynamic generation of templates (after merging into the Master branch)
  • The official APP of Flutter Go is automatically upgraded

Partial Function display

  • FlutterGo App

  • FlutterGo website

  • FlutterGo Web version

  • GoCli co-built tool

Build plan

Cough, knock on the blackboard ~~

Flutter is still constantly updated, but maintaining FlutterGo outside of work is a struggle for just a few of us Flutter enthusiasts. Therefore, all Flutter enthusiasts in the industry are cordially invited to join us to build FlutterGo!

Thanks again to all of you who have submitted your PR

To build that

Because the iteration speed of Flutter version is fast and there are many contents generated, our manpower is limited and we cannot support the daily maintenance iteration of Flutter Go more comprehensively and quickly. If you are interested in the construction of Flutter Go, you are welcome to participate in the construction of this project.

All members who participate in the joint construction. We will include your profile picture and Github address on our official website.

Build the way

  1. To build the component
  • This update opens up the ability to catalog Widget content by using goCli tools to create standardized components and write Markdown code.

  • In order to better record your change purpose, content information and communication process, each PR needs to correspond to an Issue, submit bugs you find or new functions you want to add, or add new co-built components.

  • First select your issue type and then use a Pull Request to add the article content, API description, and component usage to our Widget interface.

  1. Submit articles and fix bugs
  • You can also submit functional PR requests such as routine bugs, future features, etc. to our main repository.

Participate in the building

Please read the following documents about how to raise PR first

  • How do I submit a Pull Request to the repository
  • Dart code specification
  • How to create a Widget Page using go-CLI

Contribution to guide

This project follows the Contributor Code of conduct. By participating in the program, you agree to abide by its terms.

FlutterGo looks forward to our cooperation

For pr details and procedures, refer to the FlutterGo README or pin scan code directly into the group

Study and communication

Pay attention to the public number: [full stack front selection] daily access to good articles recommended. You can also join groups to learn and communicate with them