Farmers in yards world, beautiful application experience, from the programmer for the processing of detail, and self requirements state, agriculture in the yard a member of the young people is busy, every day, every week, can leave some footprints, is the creation of content, there is a persistent, is I don’t know why, if you lost, might as well to Chou Chou code track of farmers.

If you are interested, you can follow the public account Biglead to get the latest learning materials.

  • The Series of articles on Flutter from Entry to Mastery is here

1 Chinese Environment

Add language internationalization support to your Flutter project configuration file

    sdk: flutter
    sdk: flutter
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Then configure the Chinese environment in the entry file of your Flutter project as follows:

main() {
    // Do not display the debug tag
    debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false.// The current operating environment is configured
    locale: Locale("zh"."CH"),
    // The locale configuration supported by the program
    supportedLocales: [Locale("zh"."CH")].//Material style proxy configuration
    localizationsDelegates: [
    // Display the home page
    home: DemoDateRangPage(),

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  • The Locale class is used to identify the user’s Locale
  • GlobalMaterialLocalizations. Delegate for Material Components library provides a localized string

2 Displays the date range selector

This Demo is to click a button to display a date range selector, the page DemoDateRangPage code is as follows

class _DemoDateRangPageState extends State<DemoDateRangPage> {
  String _dateSelectText;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text("Date range selection"),
      body: Center(
        child: Text("Currently select $_dateSelectText"),
      floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
        onPressed: () {
        child: Icon(Icons.select_all),

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  void showDateSelect(a) async {
    // Get the current time
    DateTime start =;
    // Add 4 more days to the current time
    DateTime end = DateTime(start.year,start.month,;

    // Display time selector
    DateTimeRange selectTimeRange = await showDateRangePicker// locale: locale ("zh"."CH"),
      context: context,
      // Start time
      firstDate: DateTime(2020.1).// End time
      lastDate: DateTime(2022.1)CancelText: "cancel ", confirmText:" confirm ",// Initial time range selection
      initialDateRange: DateTimeRange(start: start, end: end)
    / / the result
    _dateSelectText = selectTimeRange.toString();
    // Select the start time in the result
    DateTime selectStart = selectTimeRange.start;
    // Select the end time in the result
    DateTime selectEnd = selectTimeRange.end;

    setState(() {

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The completion of

Not limited to thinking, not limited to language restrictions, is the highest realm of programming.

With xiaobian character, must be to record a set of video, and then upload

If you are interested, you can follow the public account Biglead to get the latest learning materials