Flutter custom keyboard solution


Flutter currently has no official solution for custom keyboards, but we need to use them sometimes, such as money keyboards, secure password keyboards, and various custom quick input keyboards Therefore, I wrote a plug-in to customize the keyboard. Since it is implemented by intercepting PlatformChannel, it can seamlessly connect TextFiled and other input boxes GitHub links that come with Flutter

The effect


Install dependencies

Dependencies: cool_ui: "^ 0.1.14"Copy the code

Import packages

import 'package:cool_ui/cool_ui.dart';
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Write a custom keyboard Widget

class NumberKeyboard extends StatelessWidget{
    static const CKTextInputType inputType = const CKTextInputType(name:'CKNumberKeyboard'); // Define the InputType type
    static double getHeight(BuildContext ctx){ // Write the method to get the height. }final KeyboardController controller ; // The Controller used to control the keyboard output
    const NumberKeyboard({this.controller});

    static register(){   // Register the keyboard method
        CoolKeyboard.addKeyboard(NumberKeyboard.inputType,KeyboardConfig(builder: (context,controller){
            return NumberKeyboard(controller: controller);
        },getHeight: NumberKeyboard.getHeight));

    Widget build(BuildContext context) { // The contents of the keyboard.return Container( / / case
        color: Colors.white,
        child: GestureDetector(
           behavior: HitTestBehavior.translucent,
           child: Center(child: Text('1'),),
           onTap: (){
              controller.addText('1'); Add one to the input field cursor position1},),)}}Copy the code

Register the keyboard

void main(){
  NumberKeyboard.register(); // Register the keyboard
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Using the keyboard

First modify the following code in the page where you need to use the keyboard

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return KeyboardMediaQuery(// Used to scroll to the input box when the keyboard pops up
      child: Builder(builder: (ctx) {
        CoolKeyboard.init(ctx); // Initialize the keyboard listener and pass the current page context
        return Page; // Return to the current page})); }Copy the code

Then set the keyboardType of the TextField to the type of your custom keyboard

   keyboardType: NumberKeyboard.inputType
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