Flutter – the messenger of ending all quarrels

Fatal advantage of Flutter

Today’s big front-end development world, hundreds of schools of thought contend, a dazzling array of frameworks, plug-ins have suffered developers. If you’re a mobile or front-end developer, you don’t know or are looking at Flutter, and that’s a scary thing. I was also on the fence about Flutter. With the release of Version 1.0 and 1.2, I decided to enter the trap for one simple reason:

  1. The idea that Flutter is its own rendering interface (as opposed to React Native and Weex) is bound to break the fragmentation problem of mobile phones. No matter what android phone, ios or Android phone, the UI should look the same once it is drawn, with almost no adaptation required.
  2. Flutter supports web, desktop (Windows, macOS), mobile (ios, Android), and Google’s upcoming Fuchsia system.

Of course, no one is perfect, Flutter is still in its infancy, there aren’t many plug-ins, controls, and other things, and hot fixes aren’t supported yet, but that will happen sooner or later.

The page of a Flutter is not as clear as that of Android. Android is an Activity,IOS is a UIViewController, and H5 is a route. We will have a project development basic BaseActivity/BaseViewController, today will bring you and the way of its function and use of almost BaseWidget.


BaseWidget life cycle

Without further ado, let’s go to the video.

  • The left image shows the effect of a page with three tabs nested inside
  • The image on the right shows the effect of a three-level route jump and fallback, with common error pages, no-data pages, and loading pages (loadiing pages can be replaced with dialog pages).
  • The following two graphs show the life cycle of each page when jumping and switching between the two effects

Ask familiar not familiar! Familiar not familiar! I believe that every Android developer is familiar with this kind of log, and it is an essential skill for android to get started.

BaseWidget implements functionality

With that in mind, I’ll describe what BaseWidget can easily do.

  1. At development time, writing a class that inherits the BaseWidget will allow us to implement the necessary abstract methods, commonly known as the template pattern, and of course, the embedded page that inherits the BaseInnerWidget will do just that
  2. So when you go from page A to page B, A calls onPause, B calls onCreate and onResume, and when you go back from page B, A calls onResume, B calls onPause and onDestory, and onCreate puts some data initialization, OnResume puts a web request in it and initiates a request every time it returns to the page. OnPause and onDestory leave the page and destroy the page, respectively.
  3. TopBar makes it easy to hide and set colors and use images as backgrounds,
  4. The AppBar navigation bar can also easily hide and set the background color (image), which in the navigation bar on the left back key, the middle of the big title, the right side of the small title, can be arbitrarily set hidden and reality, of course, can rewrite their methods, arbitrarily set their own widgets, to achieve a high degree of customization.
  5. Built-in an error loading page, when the network loading error, you can adjust a method on the display, not every page write error page, to avoid the need to change at a loss.
  6. Built-in a no data page, and error page use method and function
  7. The loading page is built in, and the function is the same as above. If this is not necessary, you can use dialog instead
  8. What does the listener app do when it steps back to the background or back to the foreground
  9. Above all, with a base class, extensibility is high

Write a new class, create a template that looks like this, simple and elegant, and write code as you like.

class FirstPage extends BaseWidget {
  BaseWidgetState<BaseWidget> getState() {
    // TODO: implement getState
    return _FirstPageState();


class _FirstPageState extends BaseWidgetState<FirstPage> {
  Widget buildWidget(BuildContext context) {
    // TODO: implement buildWidget
    return null;

  void onCreate() {
    // TODO: implement onCreate

  void onPause() {
    // TODO: implement onPause

  void onResume() {
    // TODO: implement onResume

Copy the code

BaseWidget implementation ideas

The life cycle of a Flutter is not so clear when entering the pit.

The so-called life cycle of Flutter is in State, as follows

  • InitState is created once, similar to onCreate
  • DidChangeDependencies is called after initState, in which you get data across components.
  • DidUpdateWidget is called when the state of the component changes, such as setState.
  • Where the build creates the Widget, it is called when it leaves the page and when it returns to the page.
  • Deactivate is called both when leaving the page and when returning to the page.
  • Call when Dispose is destroyed

In particular, the build and deactivate methods are called to jump to and return to the page. It’s a bit like a combination of onPause and onResume, so we borrowed the Stack from the data structure and stored it in the Stack during page creation. Remove the Stack when you leave, and write out the actual onPaue and onResume methods based on where the page is in the Stack and when the build and deactivate calls are made.

@override void initState() { NavigatorManger().addWidget(this); } @override void dispose() {NavigatorManger().removeWidget(this); / / the stack super. The dispose (); }Copy the code

However, when a BaseWidget is embedded as an internal page, its life cycle is not clear, and it also affects the life cycle of the external page. Therefore, a BaseInnerWisget is used as the base class of the embedded page, which is similar to BaseFragment. However, his life cycle needs to improve some methods in the external page to be correct, students with obsessive-compulsive disorder can encapsulate ~ specific use method has uploaded the code, can play by themselves.

Once the life cycle is complete, the basic layout is set up,

Layout construction is a method that builds basic controls into the Build method of the base class, and then reserves an abstract method for subclasses to Build their own layout.

Widget _getBaseView(BuildContext context) { return Column( children: <Widget>[_getBaseTopBar(),// Status bar layout _getBaseAppBar(),// Navigation bar layout Container(width: getScreenWidth(), height: GetMainWidgetHeight (),// Subclass layout available height color: Colors. White,// background color can be changed by themselves child: Stack(children: <Widget>[buildWidget(context),// Subclass layout _getBaseErrorWidget(),// error page layout _getBaseEmptyWidget(),// empty page layout _getBassLoadingWidget(),// Loading layout],),),],); }Copy the code

The only thing left to do is to fill in the corresponding interface to each method, and expose the method to allow subclasses to modify the attributes, is to set the text, pictures, hide and show, are very basic, specific implementation can see the code, must not be difficult to not smart you!

As a developer, I want to keep the functionality in my hands, not the SDK’s, so have fun! Source code and instructions have been uploaded to Github welcome Star, Fork. Flutter/ Android Development Exchange Group: 661614986, looking forward to joining you!