Flutter advanced practical imitation of Bilibili APP

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In recent years, major companies have increasingly higher requirements for THE skills of Flutter, and even set up special positions. However, there are few talents who master the advanced skills of Flutter, and there are few dry courses on the market for Flutter, resulting in a large talent gap. Therefore, we specially designed this course for you to help you become a new generation of engineers in demand.

The technical requirements

Dart, Flutter foundation,

Developers interested in cross-platform technology

Environmental parameters

Flutter 2.x

Chapter Contents:

Chapter 1 course introduction and study guide: If you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools. This chapter mainly introduces the course practice project, technology stack, course arrangement, and the use of development tools tips. I hope that through this course to help you learn something, learn something.

There are 7 sessions (28 minutes)

Objective 1-4 In this chapter, Objective 1-4 in Android Studio. Objective 1-5 in VS Code. Practical tips for developing Flutter (09:43) 1-6 Chapter 2 Building a Flutter network and Data Storage Framework This chapter will build a Flutter network framework hand by hand. Based on the knowledge of the core technologies of Flutter operation and local storage, this chapter will teach you the ideas, solutions and experience to develop and improve the efficiency of Flutter.

There are 13 sessions (110 minutes)

2-1 Objective of this chapter (02:27) 2-2 Problem Analysis of the Flutter network layer Framework 2-3 Design of the Flutter network framework (07:17) 2-4 Configuration based Request encapsulation and HI_NET Architecture 1 (13:06) Look at 2-5 2 (12:18) 2-6 Hi_NET unified exception and return handling and Adapter Pattern design (19:38) 2-7 Extending HI_NET to add DIO support (11:20) 2-8 Dart Hi_cache design (13:57) 2-12 Summary of this chapter (02:39) 2-13 tasks in this chapter Chapter 3 Design and Development of the Login Registration Module This chapter will guide you through the design of the login registration module, the scheme of interface authentication in Flutter, and the ability to encapsulate widgets. By encapsulating widgets, code reuse can be avoided, and code readability, maintainability and extensibility can be improved, and development efficiency can be improved.

There are 10 sessions (115 minutes)

3-4 Design and implementation of the Flutter login and registration SDK (20:52) 3-4 Login state preservation and interface authentication processing (12:44) 3-5 Practical skills and practical application of the input box (23:00) 3-6 Custom AppBar and Login dynamic effect design and implementation (19:30) 3-7 Registration module design and implementation (16:39) 3-8 Login module design and implementation (16:58) 3-9 Chapter summary (01:59) 3-10 Chapter 4 of this chapter This chapter will guide you through building an easy-to-use APP framework and navigation components based on the principles of Flutter routing, and share how you can improve your development efficiency and solve common problems.

A total of 12 sections (137 minutes) unpack the list

4-4 Based on the new Navigator package and easy-to-use navigation framework (25:00) 4-5 Android physical return compatibility handling jump callback implementation Exploration and implementation of page navigation listening and onPause and onResume functions (14:54) 4-8 realizing BottomNavigation function based on BottomNavigation+PageView (16:09) 4-9 Extend hi_Navigator to support bottom TAB navigation notification (15:04) 4-10 Implement top navigation function based on TabBar+TabBarView (12:14 This chapter will guide you hand by hand to build the home page module, master the solutions to the perplexing problems of the main APP home page, unlock the principles of Flutter image loading and caching, column loading optimization and other high-level skills.

There are 13 sessions (126 minutes)

5-1 Objectives of this chapter 5-2 Home interface system and Dao layer implementation (16:20) 5-3 Encapsulation HiState Handling page status abnormalities (06:11) 5-4 Multicast Banner component encapsulation (18:41) 5-5 NavigationBar (17:40) 5-6 Encapsulating the home page double Feed list based on StaggeredGridView Summary of the principles of Flutter image loading and caching 5-9 List of image caching and loading optimization practice (11:21) 5-10 More pull-up loading and pagination (11:42) 5-11 Implementation of global loading component packaging based on Lottie (08:04) 5-12 Summary of this chapter 5-13 Chapter 6 Package of Flutter Video Player Components This chapter introduces you to master the structure and function optimization of Flutter player, complete the package of Flutter player based on the principle of player source code, realize the optimization of full-screen and immersive playback and experience, and master the difficult problems and solutions in the development of Flutter player.

There are 10 sessions (81 minutes)

6-1 Objective of this chapter 6-2 Flutter video player 6-3 Flutter video player analysis (04:33) 6-4 Flutter video player components package (11:32) 6-5 Flutter source code analysis and customization of the PLAYER UI (17:50) 6-6 Implementation of full-screen and immersive playback functions (23:28) 6-7 Experience optimization with application life cycle changes (08:47) 6-8 Encapsulation of HiTab components to reuse Tab switching functions (14:08) 6-9 Summary of this chapter 6-10 Operations of this chapter 7 Video detail module development The core of this chapter is to complete the development of the video details module, which will lead you to master the design and architecture of complex function pages, unlock dynamic effect implementation, layout skills, flat layout to reduce nesting, page opening in seconds and other practical skills.

There are 11 sessions (98 minutes)

7-1 Object 7-2 Video detail header Module Module Encapsulation and layout tips (09:59) 7-3 Practical knowledge of Flutter Animation development 7-4 Implementation of Animation based on Animation unwinding list component (26:39) 7-5 Detail page interface system and video model reuse (13:29) 7-6 Implementation of toolbar for video Likes and sharing favorites (20:17) 7-7 Implementation of interface for video favorites (10:58) 7-8 Design and implementation of card for associated video list (16:16) 7-9 Summary of this chapter 7-10 Thinking questions 7-11 Chapter 8 of this chapter homework This chapter will take you through the HiBaseTabState framework that encapsulates a common low-level page with paging and refreshing, and highlights how you can quickly build pages to improve your own development efficiency.

There are 7 sessions (39 minutes)

8-1 Objective of this chapter 8-2 Leaderboard page framework construction (07:15) 8-3 General low-level page framework with paging and refreshing HiBaseTabState encapsulation (14:48) 8-4 Leaderboard module interface system and Dao layer encapsulation (06:41) 8-5 Implementing quick page building based on HiBaseTabState (09:22) 8-6 This chapter summarizes the operations of this chapter 8-7

Chapter 9 personal center module development

This chapter will guide you hand by hand to complete the development of personal central module. The core will realize nested rolling, Gaussian blur, parallax rolling and other effects in complex scenes. Besides, the principle of Flutter rendering will be analyzed to realize efficient interactive components.

There are 11 sessions (67 minutes)

9-1 Objectives of this chapter

9-2 Personal Center Module interface System and data loading (08:37)

Nested scrolling in Complex Scenarios Based on NestedScrollView and SliverAppBar

9-4 Implementation of Gaussian Blur and Parallax Rolling Effect (05:28)

9-5 Analysis of Flutter Rendering Principle

9-6 Efficient Component HiFlexibleHeader Package (13:01)

9-7 Realization of user asset module of personal Center (10:12)

9-8 Customized dynamic layout for workplace advancement Module (12:10)

9-9 Implementation of Value-added Service Module (07:42)

9-10 Summary of this chapter

September 11 assignments section

Chapter 10 video barrage architecture development

This chapter will guide you hand by hand to complete the development of personal central module. The core will realize nested rolling, Gaussian blur, parallax rolling and other effects in complex scenes. Besides, the principle of Flutter rendering will be analyzed to realize efficient interactive components.

There are 12 sessions (87 minutes)

10-1 Objectives of this chapter

10-2 Principle analysis of Flutter Barrage implementation

10-3 WebSocket Mechanism Analysis

Bullet-screen Communication Based on Web_socket_Channel (21:06)

Hi_barrage Package -1 (11:54)

10-6 Barrage Assembly Hi_Barrage Package 2 (12:07)

10-7 Display effect of customized barrage (08:31)

Realizing dynamic Effect of Video bullet Screen based on Animation (11:01)

Implement ammunition screen input interface based on HiOverlay (16:10)

10-10 Realization of sending Barrage function (05:41)

10-11 Summary of this chapter

10-12 assignments section

Chapter 11 Implementation of Dark Mode theme Mode [Based on mainstream State Management Framework]

This chapter will compare and analyze Provider, Bloc and Redux, guide you to play with the mainstream state management framework of Flutter, easily get started with Provider, and realize Dark Mode theme Mode listening adaptation.

There are 10 sessions (75 minutes)

11-1 Objectives of this chapter

11-2 Mainstream Flutter State Management framework Provider, Bloc and Redux comparison (continuously updated)

11-3 Easy to Use Provider (Continuously updated)

11-4 Implementing a custom theme based on ThemeData (20:21)

11-5 Implementing Topic Status Management Based on Provider (10:04)

11-6 Code Optimization for Dark Mode adaptation (16:20)

11-7 System Dark Mode change Monitoring and Adaptation (10:49)

Implementation of the Night Mode of Flutter (16:32)

11-9 Summary of this chapter

11 to 10 assignments section

Chapter 12 the modification and improvement of Flutter componentization

This chapter will take you to deeply analyze the componentization scheme principle and complete the decoupling reconstruction and componentization transformation of the three modules of Hi-NET, Hi-Barrage and HI_base.

There are 8 sessions (42 minutes)

12-1 Objectives of this chapter

12-2 Analysis of componentization Principles and Solutions (continuously updated)

Decoupling and Reconstruction of HI-NET Module (09:32)

12-4 Componentized Transformation of HI-NET (12:43)

12-5 Modular Modification of Hi-Barrage Barrage Module (08:22)

12-6 Componentization of the Hi_Base Base Module (11:01)

12-7 Summary of this chapter

12-8 assignments section

Chapter 13 Optimization of Flutter stability and performance

This chapter will focus on improving the stability and performance of Flutter applications. You will learn the techniques and experience of Flutter anomaly capture and reporting, testing, performance analysis and optimization, and packet size optimization.

A total of 12 sections (96 minutes) close the list

13-1 Objectives of this chapter

Abnormalities of Flutter and Crash

13-3 Flutter Anomaly capture and Crash Log Collection (23:32)

Things about the Flutter Test (constantly updated)

13-5 The Method of Flutter Testing for Stability Assurance (14:42)

13-6 Flutter Integration Test -1 (15:22)

13-7 Flutter Integration Test -2 (09:49)

Optimization of Flutter Performance (Continuous Update)

Optimization of Flutter Performance (23:27)

Optimising the size of the Flutter package

Optimization of the size of a Flutter package

13-12 Summary of this chapter

Chapter 14 of the Flutter Project Integration package

This chapter will take you through the final stop on the Path to the Advancement of Flutter, learning mainstream solutions and techniques for building and packaging the Flutter project.

There are 6 sections (25 minutes)

14-1 Objectives of this chapter

Flutter integration and Packaging of Android Applications

14-3 Integrating and packaging Android Apps (16:31)

Flutter integration and packaging of iOS applications

14-5 Integrating and Packaging iOS Apps (08:26)

14-6 Summary of this chapter

Chapter 15 Course Summary

As the last chapter of the course, this chapter will give you an overview of what you have learned in the course and provide you with some suggestions for follow-up study. In the QUESTION and answer area of the course, the teacher is waiting to communicate with you further.

One period (0 minutes)

15-1 Course summary