Source: Developer Tech Front

Author: Tamic | editor: cocoa

As all mobile developers know, at Mobile World Congress in February this year, the Flutter team announced the release of Version 1.2 of Flutter, which supports Web development. In the past year, Flutter has grown faster than the development team could have imagined. Flutter is strictly a UI framework, and its USE of GPU-accelerated Canvas, a REAL-TIME Dom based UI rendering mechanism, has been a boon to many developers.

Flutter history

Sky [8-9], a mobile application development framework based on Dart language, was unveiled at Dart Developer Summit in May 2015, later renamed Flutter. Dart was launched in 2011 as a competitor to Js, and in 2016 Google’s AdWords, AdSense, and Fiber teams began incorporating Dart into their front-end applications. An internal report at the time suggested that Dart could help them improve front-end development efficiency by 25% to 100%. The amount of Dart code inside Google has increased 3.5 times over last year.

The first Beta release was announced at Mobile World Congress (MWC) in late February 2018; Beta 3 was announced at Google I/O in May 2018; GMTC announced the first release preview at the end of June 2018; At Google Developer Days in September 2018, the release preview 2 was announced. The stable version 1.0 of Flutter Live 2018 was released in December 2018. In March 2019, 1.2 announced support for the Web

Flutter is supported across multiple sides

Flutter 1.5 is available for mobile, Web, desktop, and embedded devices. This means that Flutter has become a lightweight UI framework that supports multiple platforms and is becoming more and more developer-friendly.

Flutter for Mobile

Flutter for Android & iOS needs no further explanation. Many readers must have already experienced Flutter and practiced it. There are also some official materials and wikis for Flutter. No introduction.

Flutter for web

At Google I /O yesterday, the Flutter team released the first preview of Flutter for Web, showing that Flutter is supporting Google’s smart display platform, including Google Home Hub. And take the first step by combining Chrome OS with support for desktop-level applications.

Flutter for Web is a code-compatible implementation of Flutter, rendered using standards-based Web technologies (HTML +CSS + JavaScript). With Flutter for Web, Dart code can be compiled into a client Experience that is embedded in a browser and deployed to any Web server.

Developers can use all of Flutter’s features without the need for browser plugins. Flutter’s previous mission was to provide the best UI framework for developing iOS and Android mobile applications. But with the release of Flutter 1.0 last year, the Flutter team tried to expand Flutter to other platforms and started an internal exploratory project, code-named Hummingbird, to build a Web framework using Dart. To evaluate the advantages of porting the Flutter engine to support standards-based Web technologies. Thanks to the rapid development of mainstream browsers such as Chrome, Safari, etc., it is possible to bring the Flutter framework to the Web.

Flutter for Desktop

In January this year, the Flutter team announced that they would support platforms other than mobile. They have been working on Flutter for Desktop as an implementation project and are now implementing it into the Flutter engine, which is currently in internal development. But an early version of the Vision has been released for Flutter applications to run on Mac, Windows and Linux.

Flutter for Embedded Devices

Embedded devices, the Flutter team recently released Flutter support to run directly on small devices like the Raspberry PI.

In addition, the Flutter team provides embedded apis that enable it to be used in smart furniture, wearable devices, and vehicle-mounted devices. Google also announced that A stable version of Flutter 1.5 will be released this week. Please stay informed of the new features.

2019 Annual Plan

The following are the key concerns expressed by officials at the beginning of the year:

The core and base usability ecosystem supports dynamic update toolchains for platforms other than mobile

The Flutter team says it plans to make changes based on feedback and new market changes. Tim Sneath, Product manager for Flutter, says: “This plan is not something we are necessarily going to do. Flutter is an open source project, and we welcome everyone to join us.”

Hopefully Flutter will continue to solve these problems, and its popularity won’t be too far away. The big front-end trend suggests that Flutter is also making more support for the Web.

I finally have a question to ask you to explore? Google has Kotlin as its preferred development language, so what role does Dart play?