Because our javascript is a weakly typed language, so sometimes compilation, or reconstruction will encounter a variety of problems, so we will simply talk about the Flow type detection tool today!
Weak type problems
- Problems are discovered during the run phase
-\ // This will not generate an error, but only at runtime Copy the code
- It might change what the function does
return a+b; \}\ console.log(sum(100,100)) //200\ console.log(sum(100,'100')) //100100\ // This changes the function functionCopy the code
- Incorrect use of an object indexer
Obj [true] = 100\ console.log(obj['true']) //Copy the code
The advantage of strong typing
- Mistakes are exposed earlier
- The code is smarter, the code is more accurate
- Refactorings are more robust, such as changing the name of a method, and strong types that are referenced elsewhere will report errors, making it easier to modify refactorings
- Reduce invariant type judgments
Flow type checker
- yarn init
- yarn add flow
- yarn flow init
- Add //@flow to the header inside the file
- yarn flow
Flow removes annotations
- Yarn add flow-remove-types –dev // Install it first
- yarn flow-remove-types . -d dist //. Dist is the output directory
Or use Babel
- yarn add @babel/core @babel/cli @babel/preset-flow
- Then create a new.babelrc file and write {“presets”:[“@babel/preset-flow”]}
- yarn babel . -d dist
Development tool plug-ins
Flow Language Support makes it easier to prompt us as we write code
Flow can also automatically infer types, preferably by adding annotations yourself
Type annotations
function square(n:number){
return n*n
let num:number = 100
function foo() :void{}Copy the code
Flow primitive type
const a:string = 'foo'
const b:number = 2333
const c:boolean = false
const d:null = null
const e:void = undefined
const f:symbol = Symbol(a)Copy the code
Flow array type
const arr1: Array<number> = [1.2.3]
const arr2: number[] = [1.2]
// These fixed parameters and types are called tuples
const foo:[string,number] = ['foo'.33]
Copy the code
Flow object type
- Specifies the key name and the type of the key value
- ? This parameter is optional
- You can also specify the type of key with []
const obj1: { foo:string, bar:number} = {foo:'string'.bar:100}
constobj2: {foo? :string,bar:number} = {bar:100}
const obj3:{[string]:string} ={}
Copy the code
Function types
- If you pass in a function, you can set the parameter type of the function and the return value type
function foo(callback:(string,number)=>void){
callback('string'.100)}Copy the code
Special type
- Literal type
- Generally cooperate with joint declaration
const a:'foo'= 'foo'
const type: 'success' | 'warning' | 'error' = 'success'
type StringOrBoolean = string | boolean
const b:StringOrBoolean = 'string'
constgender:? number =undefined
/ / equivalent to
const gender: number | null |undefined
Copy the code
- Can accept any type of argument
- An error is not reported when any is a weak type definition
- Mixed is a strongly typed definition and an error is reported if it is not the same
/ / complains
function foo(value:mixed){
value.substr(1)}// No error will be reported
function foo(value:any){
value.substr(1)}Copy the code
Type summary
You can find more details on this website
Flow Type Cheat
Finally, give it a thumbs up if it helps! Collection oh ~
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