Although the title is Flask, the following tutorial applies not only to Flask, but to other Python Web frameworks as well.

Flask is known to be a synchronous framework that processes requests in a single-process manner, and the Flask service blocks when too many people access it at the same time.

Just like when we buy train tickets, when there are more people buying train tickets, there will be a lot of people queuing, the queue will be very long, the corresponding waiting time will become very long!

Therefore, Flask, Django, Webpy and other frameworks come with poor performance web Server, can only be used for testing purposes, online distribution needs to choose wsGI Server with higher performance. The recommended deployment modes are as follows: Nginx + Gunicorn + Flask + Supervisor

Nginx: high-performance Web server + load balancing;

Gunicorn: High performance WSGI server;

Gevent: a library that turns Python synchronous code into an asynchronous coroutine;

Supervisor: a tool that monitors service processes.

Here’s a picture to give you a little intuition


Gunicorn can specify multiple work processes, and you can choose from a variety of work modes. The default mode is sync. Other options include GEvent, Tronado, GThread, gaiohttp, etc.

Gevent is a greenlet-based library implemented using Python coroutines so that your Web services can be concurrent!

How is a high-performance Web service built?


Nginx can actually only handle static resource requests, so what about dynamic requests? This requires the upstream module of Nginx to forward these requests, or reverse proxy. Nginx is mainly used for load balancing, and it can cache some dynamic content

Install nginx

The installation command is as follows:

sudo apt-get install nginx

After nginx is installed, you can use the following commands to enable and disable nginx

Sudo /etc/init.d/nginx restart //

Sudo /etc/init.d/nginx start Enable the function

Run the sudo /etc/init.d/nginx stop command to disable the function

Configure nginx

The Nginx configuration file is located


server {

listen 8080; Server_name localhost = 8080; Location / {proxy_pass; proxy_redirect off; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_read_timeout 300; proxy_send_timeout 300; }Copy the code


Save the changes and restart nginx.


The installation supervisor

The command is as follows:

pip install supervisor

Initialize the configuration file:

echo_supervisord_conf > supervisor.conf

Modify the configuration file and add the corresponding configuration at the bottom of the configuration file

[include] Configure your own project


directory = /home/jerry/Code/project ; The startup directory of the program

command = /home/jerry/.virtualenvs/parsing/bin/gunicorn -w 4

-worker-class gevent-bind app:app; Start the command

numprocs=1 ; number of processes copies to start (def 1)

autostart = true ; It is also designed to run automatically when it is launched

startsecs = 1 ; If there is no abnormal exit after 1 second of startup, it is regarded as normal startup

autorestart = true ; The program automatically restarts after an abnormal exit

startretries = 3 ; The default value is 3

user = root ; Which user to boot with

redirect_stderr = true ; Redirect stderr to stdout, default false stdout_logFILe_maxBytes = 20MB; Stdout log file size, default 50MB

stdout_logfile_backups = 10 ; Stdout Number of backup log files

stdout_logfile=/home/jerry/Code/project/log/gunicorn.log ; The log log

stderr_logfile=/home/jerry/Code/project/log/gunicorn.error ; The error log

After editing, save and start the Supervisor. The command is the same as the gunicorn command, where -w refers to the number of processes in the service.

Basic commands

Start the Supervisor from the configuration file

supervisord -c supervisor.conf

View the Supervisor status

supervisorctl -c supervisor.conf status

Reload the configuration file after each change

supervisorctl -c supervisor.conf reload

Start specified/all Supervisor managed process

supervisorctl -c supervisor.conf start [all]|[appname]

Closes specified/all Supervisor managed program processes

supervisorctl -c supervisor.conf stop [all]|[appname]

That’s when you can access your app at!

To see how this works, you can test it out yourself by adding sleep to your code, or by writing a script yourself!