
Today is the fourth day of the last remaining day of 2020. Since I have asked for two weeks’ leave to go back to my hometown, I have almost no time to write recently. But suddenly think of last night after years and into the pit of Java 5 years (actually not five years, almost four years, mainly in order to comply with the title, or it will be marked as title party), think of a few confused last night was really let I couldn’t sleep for a long time (almost finished this sentence fell asleep). I believe that programmers with some experience will have the same feeling as me. This article is mainly about Anjiang’s reflection on the past years of working in the industry, hoping that a good brother can answer questions (isn’t it strange that writing a blog is not to help others answer questions, I am not the same).

An overview of the

Before expressing my confusion, I need to give an overview of anjiang’s working environment. Ann Jiang is currently working in a large company in Guangzhou (it is said that there are thousands of people in the company) which calls itself Internet (do not know the Internet, just do not know if there is an Internet company will often drag a month or two not to pay wages). Anjiang’s job title from the beginning isJava Development Engineer“, and after a year of unremitting efforts became a senior development engineer (so the company gave me, although I hate to admit it, because I no longer know what it takes to be a senior). Here it is necessary to say the technical point of view of the company’s title relationship, probably such, primary development -> development engineer -> senior development -> senior development -> technical manager -> technical director, do not know is not the so-called big factory position system.

The project anjiang is working on is considered a financial project within the company (in fact, it is technically a back-office project). Maybe some leaders of the company saw my ability and asked me to lead a project in front of a senior development engineer (normally the technical manager leads it). To my surprise, I answered it, for the simple reason that I wanted to cross the steps and see the world above. But when the steps are crossed, the world remains the same.


At the beginning of the project, it was full, really full. First of all, we need to understand the requirements, background and process of the entire project. Organizational partners understand requirements (they are afraid to use the word, because it is impossible to understand), repeatedly confirm requirements, and even overturn requirements (which are almost impossible to overturn). Go to table design, code specification (this includes many, such as exception code, global exception handling, third party docking specification, etc.), code review.

So my first puzzle here is what advanced development really means. I know there may not be a right answer. Probably due to the work environment, I have successfully confused what is senior development, what is technical manager, what is technical director, and what is architect. To be fair, it affected my career plans (even though I didn’t have any).

In addition, the company has a variety of projects. At ordinary times, there is basically no intersection, but there will be some work communication when docking is needed. During this period, I connected with many projects designed and constructed by the so-called architects, technical managers and technical directors. In a word, this is it. Of course, it is also possible that I am young and ignorant, read less books.

Then I thought, how do YOU become an architect? This is also my second puzzle, no this should be called a puzzle. Because Anjiang’s goal has always been to become an architect, and then, no matter how hard he tried, like reading the source code, getting familiar with the underlying layer, he still felt that he was not close enough. Do not know have good elder brother to have the same feeling with me, beg good elder brothers to answer question again!

Another is that at present, I don’t know what to study. In truth, this is still very scary, not to say that ALL things I will, but anjiang like a lot of framework source code, JVM, distributed related solutions have a certain understanding. But I think in the further advantage is difficult, on the one hand, the data is less, on the other hand, it may need to add something related to the bottom. It’s not that I don’t want to learn, the main cost of learning is really too big. Another reason is that maybe the big guy around can’t take me, I’m too bad.

Looking forward to

Hopefully that will happen in 2021, as an architect or a real senior development engineer. Of course, it would be better to enter a big factory, perhaps into a big factory I above these confusion, confusion can be broken open fog, thus easily solved.

On the other hand, I hope Anjae can settle down, read more books and go further and further on the road of technology until it goes dark.

Of course, all this effort is for a little extra money. It’s so cheesy!

And last but not least, 2021 load up and go

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