This is the 15th day of my participation in the first Chinese New Year Challenge 2022. This article is participating in the “Starlight Project – Chinese New Year Post Activity”

Author: Nuts

Public account: “Big Front End Tour”

Huawei Cloud sharing expert, InfoQ contract writer, Ali Cloud expert blogger, 51CTO blog chief Experience officer, one of the open source project GVA, focusing on the sharing of big front-end technologies, including Flutter, applets, Android, VUE, JavaScript.

There are roughly five steps.

Step 1: Create an application project

Create a development project (in this case, an eTS project)

  1. Open the DevEco Studio

2. Create a new project and select a template like Empty Ability:

3. On the configuration Project page, select Application for Project Type and eTS for Language. Set other parameters as required.

Modify code file

After the Project is created, in the Project window, choose Entry > SRC > Main > ETS > Default > Pages to open the index.ets file

Step 2: Implement the user interface

Use UI components and decorators

Basic components: Image, Text, and Video Container components: Stack, Column, and List

Componentization decoration: @Component, @Entry, @Builder, @extend, etc

Supporting page component development and component custom State management decoration: @state, @Link, @Observed, @ObjectLink, @Storagelink, @Watch

Implement automatic update of data-driven views

Use UI rendering control syntax

Conditional rendering: if/elseif/else

During UI description, dynamically control component rendering according to different states

Loop render: ForEach/LazyForEach

For UI description, according to the number of data dynamic control rendering times, optimize the code implementation

Referencing UI resources

$r (‘ app.s t ‘)

Defines strings in the Element directory of Resources, supporting globalized languages

$r (‘ ‘)

The media directory of resources stores resources in PNG, JPG, and SVG formats

Add UI interaction events

Basic gesture events: onClick/onTouch, etc

Define the basic user interaction, combined with the TouchEvent information to achieve custom gestures

Advanced gesture events: long press gesture/sliding gesture/combination gesture, etc

Built-in advanced gesture support is configured through the Gesture property function, and GestureGroup supports many advanced gesture combinations

Step 3: Refine the functional logic

Use the lifecycle interface

Page life cycle interface: onPageShow, onPageHide

UI component lifecycle interface: aboutToAppear, aboutToDisappear

Other lifecycle interfaces: onBackPressed, onCreate, onDestroy, etc

Add functional logic with page, UI component, and system state change lifecycle interfaces

Use the subsystem capability interface

Multiple subsystems provide a large number of system capabilities in just two steps:

1. Import dependency packages.

Two, direct call system capability interface.

Invoke system capabilities to achieve specific functional logic

Step 4: Optimize the interactive experience

To realize dynamic effect

Attribute animation

Animation: automatically monitors all general property changes of the component and automatically adds animation tween

Explicit animateTo: Specifies a specific property change to automatically add an animation tween to a specific property animation

Modify component properties, automatically generate animation tween, optimize the interactive experience of attribute changes

Animated transitions

Transition between components: Listens for changes in the rendering state of a component and animates the rendering and removal of a component

Page to pageTransition: specifies the animation used to switch between pages

When switching components and pages, animation tween is automatically generated to optimize the switching interactive experience

The animation component

ImageAnimator: Supports frame – by – frame animation

Use multiple pictures to compose animation, and dynamic control animation playback

Animator: Provides a component animation controller to dynamically control the playback state, customize the tween animation, and achieve deeply customized animation effects.

Step 5: Debug the simulator

The login

Choose p40Pro

        compileSdkVersion and releaseType of the app do not match the apiVersion and releaseType on the device.
Copy the code

Source code address:…