The scariest part of the world for programmers is not that we are obsolete, but that the programming language we have just learned is obsolete

After so many years of programming, the most terrible thing every year is the emergence of a new programming language. For those of us who rely on manual work to support our families, it is both an opportunity and a challenge. However, there is a decision that we must decide by ourselves, that is, which programming language should we learn?

Interest preferences, or the pursuit and appreciation of programming syntax, are one thing, and the other is how much the language will play in the future development market or in the hiring market, which we programmers are not so good at

In this article today, GRANDPA I summarized five programming languages with great potential for development, although they are not just appeared in our vision, but for the future we choose the direction of programming is still very important reference drops


Groovy is an object-oriented scripting language originally developed by Apache for the Java platform. It was first released in 2003, but the first stable release (Groovy 1) came late in 2007. But since then it has been widely adopted and used by companies such as Netflix, LinkedIn, Airbus and mastercard

Groovy compiles Java bytecode dynamically, so it seamlessly integrates with any Java library. Groovy is definitely easier to learn if you’ve already used parenthesis syntax in Java or some other language

If you want to know more about Groovy’s advantages, here are some resources to check out:…

The official web site also has a good overview of the differences between Java and Groovy

Groovy is an open source project. The source code can be found on GitHub, and you are free to donate code if you want.

Although Groovy is widely praised for increasing developer productivity, the Grails Web Application Framework is also a good reason to use it and is definitely worth checking out.

Grails can build Web applications in the Groovy language. It has a lot of cool and convenient features such as integrated ORM/NoSQL support for inserts, powerful view technology, and community support


Rust, which first appeared in’s “Most Popular Category” 2016 developer survey, is indeed a promising language. Rust is a system programming language created by Mozilla. It is used to create hardware-related applications rather than end users, so it is very similar to languages such as C or C++ (rather than application programming languages such as JavaScript, Python, Perl, etc.)

Rust’s main goal is to take full advantage of modern multicore processors. It focuses more on performance and memory safety, prevents segmentation errors, and has an easy-to-learn syntax. The list of enterprise users is absolutely impressive, with Dropbox, Telenor Digital, Coursera, and SmartThings to name a few

Rust is an open source language, so you can find the source code on GitHub. If you want to learn it, you can start with books written by the core team. You can also download Rust’s compiler from the official website, where you can find a lot of useful information.

Rust can make Web applications more competitive with native applications


Elixir is a functional programming language for building real-time distributed applications. Elixir was created in 2011 by a Core Ruby contributor to solve Ruby related problems by writing concurrent code. New language with the explicit goal of “improving the performance of Rails applications on multiple cpus”

Elixir is a good choice for web applications and high availability systems (such as banking software) and data processing programming. The Elixir program runs on the Erlang virtual machine (bundle) and compiles to Erlang Bytecode. As a result, Elixir developers can also take full advantage of Erlang’s ecosystem.

Getting started with Elixir may not be easy if you haven’t learned functional programming, but once you do, it will give you a whole new perspective on programming. In short, functional programming is very different from object-oriented programming because it does not use objects and classes, and programs are executed within functions and modules.

If you need some encouragement to learn Elixir, the official Elixir website has many useful resources and study guides, and you can also install Elixir here. You can also view the source code on GitHub for the latest issues and feature releases.


The Go programming language was released by Google in 2009, and Google has used it in many of its production systems since then. GO is a concurrent, compilable programming language with static class support that was created to manage the programming problems that large organizations face on a daily basis. Therefore, similar to Java and C++, it can be easily extended to large systems.

According to the results of the Go 2016 survey, most developers are happy with Go. The most frequently cited reasons are “simplicity, ease of use, concurrency features, and performance.” The compile time is reduced to support the code test-compile cycle, making it a good fit for the test-driven development (TDD) model

Go has a number of well-known enterprise users, including YouTube, Bitbucket, Basecamp, BBC, Dropbox, and a long list of others on the GitHub page.

Go’s official website is a great source of resources, for example, you can find a super cool live demo here that lets you test how Go works, as well as many other useful things like files, software packages, installation guides, and a Go related blog. Go is also open source, and accessing GitHub’s source code is a great way to learn


In recent years, with the increasing importance of big data, R language has become more and more popular. R is an open source data analysis language developed by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman at the University of Auckland in New Zealand in the 1990s

R can be used for statistical calculations and graphics, and allows you to complete tasks related to data processing, data mining, data analysis, and statistical reporting. Most importantly, it is free and open source, making it even more attractive compared to traditional paid development languages, such as SAS

In recent years, R has been in high demand in the talent market. According to the salary survey of data science in 2016, R related software developers have offered very attractive salary packages, making R become a star language in recent years

You can download R from the official website, where you can also find R related magazines, manuals and books. If you want to check out the latest tutorials and blogs, check out R-Bloggers

R Using SVN version control, you can access read-only images on GitHub, making browsing easier. If you are interested in R related development, the GitHub page is a good choice.

These are my five favorite programming languages to study in 2017, and I hope you’ll have the opportunity to try them out for your work and projects. If you have any other programming recommendations, please leave them in the comments below. Thanks for reading