In data visualization, map visualization is one of the most commonly used advanced charts, especially in the large screen of visualization of various enterprises. If you do not put a large screen of map, you are embarrassed to see it with your boss or peers.

Although this visual map is elegant, it is not difficult to make. There are two main methods:

The first is to use python, echarts combination method, this way requires a certain JS programming foundation, high difficulty, but the degree of liberalization is very high, can achieve such as fountain graph effect, recommended to have programming foundation to learn.

The second is to use visual platforms, such as FineBI in China and BatchGeo in foreign countries. In this way, the cost of learning is very low, and there is basically no need to type codes, but directly apply templates. For example, FineBI, which I use most frequently, has achieved self-service analysis with rich chart types, powerful data analysis functions, drilling, filtering, grouping and other functions

Here are the five most commonly used visual map types:

I. Thermal map

Thermal map is used to convert data into color tones within the geographic coordinate system, and intuitively reflect data information such as hot spot distribution and regional aggregation through the degree of color change.

Advantages: Clear presentation of geographic spatial distribution, frequency or density of data.

Disadvantages: The effect is too soft to be used as an accurate representation of data.

The figure below shows the value of PM2.5 in environmental monitoring in different regions of China, as shown below:

Basic requirements of a thermal map:

Effect of the chart


The heat map

Two geographical dimensions (longitude, latitude)

2. Flow map

A map showing on a map the movement of information or objects from one location to another and their amount.

Usually used to display migration data for people, animals, and products. The size or amount of movement represented by a single streamline is indicated by its thickness, which helps to show the geographical distribution of migration activity.

Flow map is mainly applied to inter-regional trade, traffic flow, population migration, shopping and consumption behavior, communication information flow, aviation routes and other scenarios, as well as enterprise cargo transportation and supply chain management.

Advantages: It is suitable for displaying the change of data corresponding to the position movement of things in geographical space.

Disadvantages: Not suitable for showing exact values.

For example, the migration path of Spring Festival transportation is shown below:

Basic requirements for flow map:

Effect of the chart


Flow to the map

Two geographic dimensions, one dimension

Rectangle block map

When data needs to be analyzed by region, a histogram map can be used for display, and the numerical size is mapped to the color and size of the histogram, as shown below:

Map function can see the distribution of data in each region at a glance, display more intuitive, increase the three-dimensional sense of the graph.

Iv. Regional map

When data need to be analyzed by region, regional map can be used. FineBI’s map is basically consistent with all data analysis styles using maps in terms of display effect, and it can be displayed according to cities, provinces, countries and even some customized maps. As shown below:

Basic requirements for regional maps:

Effect of the chart


Regional map

Two geographical dimensions (longitude, latitude)

Regional maps are suitable for showing the spatial distribution of data in geographical areas, and in most cases are color-coded.

5. Click on the map

Point map is used to generate data into geometric graph points in the geographic coordinate system, which is mainly used to show the spatial distribution in geographical regions.

Basic requirements of point map:

Effect of the chart



Two geographical dimensions (longitude, latitude)

Dot maps are great for showing the geographical distribution of one or more sets of data.

Tools to share

Finally, share your analytics tools so you can get them all with a “map”!