Data visualization is to convert data into charts, which is more convenient for managers to understand their own enterprises and make reasonable decisions. Secondly, the statistics and analysis of big data will provide managers with data that cannot be counted by human resources to help enterprises optimize.
The industry cases of ** LAMP visualization ** cover many industries: medical industry, education industry, transportation industry, energy industry, environmental industry, fire industry and other industries. This paper focuses on fire protection, smart city, sales and other industry cases.
Today with
Lamp visualizationTake a look at the actual application scenarios of data visualization in various industries.

Large screen for real-time monitoring of fire hazards

In the past two years, the total number of national fires has been basically flat, and the national fire rescue teams are increasingly busy with the police reception and handling tasks, of which the proportion of rescue is slightly higher. In addition, not only manpower but also intelligent fire protection help is needed.


Today, the wisdom of fire is no longer strange, all walks of life slowly appeared its figure. In the new age of the Internet of Things, prevention is especially critical. Instead of counting the losses and casualties after a fire, it’s about using new-age wisdom to “put out” the flames before they hit.
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Urban development management big screen

The use of INFORMATION and communication technology to sense, analyze and integrate key information such as urban population and income, so as to make intelligent responses to various needs including people’s livelihood, environmental protection, public safety, urban services, industrial and commercial activities. Its essence is to use advanced information technology to achieve urban development management and operation, and then create a better life for people in the city, and promote the harmonious and sustainable growth of the city.

Big screen of brand sales data

The sales display screen is mainly used to obtain the final data statistics through various data, and the data are various and disorderly, which can easily fatigue viewers and make it difficult to find the data they need. Data visualization can integrate sales data to get the final result, which can display important information including sales, number of registered members, store distribution, customer ratings and so on. Enable brands to quickly understand the operation of stores, and then make corresponding management of stores.

Global economic and trade analysis screen

Support such as integrated enterprise, the company existing resources, the main global sales of the product, global distribution and sales ranking in 3 area chart, 3 d earth form of visual analysis, data form, the realization of parallel monitoring analysis of multiple index data, the areas of economic and trade status, show the product exports to the world, It provides decision-making basis for enterprise development, economy and trade.

Real-time display of hospital data on large screens

The coming of the era of big data, more and more hospital began to realize the data resource management and use of data visualization screen also more and more valued, hospital use data center big data resources, to medical service, scientific research management, hospital management and auxiliary decision making support, guarantee of efficient operation of a medical institution.

Lamp visualizationMore beautiful and easy to use in the software large screen, just need to import data, can be used.
The production of visual large screen,
In addition to mastering methods for targeted design, we should also pay more attention to the accumulation of materials at ordinary times, cultivate our own creativity and professional quality, and maintain a curiosity, so as to truly design elegant and practical data visualization charts.