Author: Cori Kogang, Adam Meilin, Lena Linne, Ji Yuankun, Liu Baiyu, Sun Mingyu, 219 pages, recommended index, ★★★ reading date: 2020-02-15

A good book to help change their work and life efficiency, recommended group leader, team leader, managers must read the bibliography. Read this book when you’re looking for some new ideas to make yourself more productive. Read this book when you have a hard day and need some real help. The most important time management matrix model in this book:

This book has five choices: Option one: Do important things, not urgent things. Either consciously doing important things or unconsciously doing unimportant things. Thinking brain: planning, attention, self-control, selection, tracking Reactive brain: reflex conditioning, instinct, emotion, reaction, impulse

Option two: Pursue excellence, not poverty. Identify your role and evaluate your role. As the XXX character, I will XXX, through XXXX.

Option three: Fill it with big rocks and discard small grains of sand. Set weekly or daily Quadrant 2 goals and achieve them, rewarding yourself and stimulating your brain to keep going.

Option 4: Be the master of technology, not the slave of technology. Rational use of Internet technology, truly become their master.

Choose five:Stay energized and avoid burnout.Keep healthy: exercise + diet + sleep + leisure + communication