
Mining is a great community that produces great articles every day. Home page recommended content involves too many areas, if the water three thousand, I only take a spoonfuls, collect within a week, excellent front end articles, so that their own and have similar needs of comrades, can more efficient learning and growth.

Please understand if there is any omission.

15 front end hd knowledge map, strongly recommended to collect

A picture wins thousands of text, covering front-end multiple knowledge systems.

I optimized the progress bar and saw a 70% improvement in page performance

Core knowledge: redraw rearrangement, performance analysis core implementation: CSS3 animation + GPU acceleration

How is concurrency control implemented in JavaScript?

Treasure brother produced, must be a boutique. Core implementation: Maintaining a pool of requests.

You keep moving bricks! ? Write a CLI tool to free your hands – dynamically generate code templates

Programming is a problem solving process. Write code that generates code. Come on, man.

Ali’s mother made a new tool to help you change the code from Vue2 to Vue3

What are you waiting for when you have a pleasant vuE3 upgrade

Handwritten Vue series of VUE1.x

Vue3 is here, but the essence of the previous version is still worth having.

Sort out some Vue3 knowledge points

Manual for beginners and review of vUE knowledge.

React, elegant update to catch exceptions, includes Hooks scheme

Describes common ways to catch exceptions and how to do so in React. Core implementation: Object.defineProperty + decorator

Webpack – hand in hand teaches you to write a Loader/plugin

Provides a set of development guidelines, just Do it.

Pure CSS to create colorful wisdom shadow! Let the foreground image automatically convert to the background shadow of the corresponding color

Excellent translation. Step by step guide to achieving beautiful shadow effects. Core implementation: CSS Filter and animation

CSS :: Marker makes text numbers more interesting

Make text numbers spiritual.

From the perspective of Flutter and the front end, how to ensure UI fluency in a single-threaded model

The event loop and event queue model are analyzed from the front end. Let’s start with the Flutter layer and talk about the relationship between the dart event queue and synchronous asynchronous tasks.

Summarize the application experience of TypeScript in project development

Theory and practice, hurry to apply TS into the project.

From Micro service to Micro front end: A brief discussion on the design idea of micro front end

Inside the micro front of the idea, worth to learn.

Brief analysis of Web animation principles and techniques

With so many principles of web animation, I was able to communicate professionally with motion designers.

Basic SVG and its animation application

Without losing real SVG animation, it is worth your research and application.