
The last article introduced some understanding and concepts, this article combined with the code to talk about, this is suitable for xiaobai

The code is in the Github repository

  • preface
  • IoC – The first Spring program
  • Three approaches to Spring dependency injection
    • Property setter injection
    • Constructor injection
    • Injection by annotation

IoC – The first Spring program

The code is built based on Maven. If you are not familiar with Maven, you can check the public account JavaPub directory to learn.

  • Create a project

Create a new Maven project in Idea. The directory structure is shown in the figure below

  • Import dependencepom.xml

<project xmlns=""
  <groupId>javapub.rodert</groupId>  <artifactId>firstSpringProject</artifactId>  <version>1.0 the SNAPSHOT</version>    <dependencies>  <dependency>  <groupId>junit</groupId>  <artifactId>junit</artifactId>  <version>4.13</version>  <scope>test</scope>  </dependency>  <dependency>  <groupId>org.springframework</groupId>  <artifactId>spring-context</artifactId>  <version>5.2.7. RELEASE</version>  </dependency>  <dependency>  <groupId>org.springframework</groupId>  <artifactId>spring-core</artifactId>  <version>5.2.7. RELEASE</version>  </dependency>  <dependency>  <groupId>org.springframework</groupId>  <artifactId>spring-beans</artifactId>  <version>5.2.7. RELEASE</version>  </dependency>   </dependencies> </project> Copy the code
  • In the projectsrcCreate a directory namedjavapub.rodertAnd then create a package namedPersonDaoAnd add one to the interfaceadd()methods
package javapub.rodert;

/ * * * @author wangshiyu rodert
 * @date2020/7/2 were * @description * / public interface PersonDao {  public void add(a); } Copy the code
  • Create the interface implementation class PersonDaoImpl

Create the PersonDao implementation class PersonDaoImpl under the Javapub. Rodert package

package javapub.rodert;

/ * * * @author wangshiyu rodert
 * @date2020/7/2 yours * @description * / public class PersonDaoImpl implements PersonDao {  public void add(a) {  System.out.println("Execution successful!!");  } } Copy the code
  • Create the Spring configuration file

The Spring configuration file is the heart of integrating Spring

<beans xmlns=""

  <bean id="personDao" class="javapub.rodert.PersonDaoImpl"/>  </beans> Copy the code
  • Now that a Spring program has been built, test it

Creating a Test Class

package javapub.rodert;

import org.junit.Test;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import;  / * * * @author wangshiyu rodert  * @date 2020/7/2 20:15  * @description * / public class PersonDaoTest {   @Test  public void test1(a){  ApplicationContext applicationContext = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("ApplicationContext.xml");  PersonDao personDao = (PersonDao) applicationContext.getBean("personDao");  personDao.add();  }  } Copy the code

Return result:

Execution successful!!Copy the code

Run the test method using JUnit tests and it runs successfully. At program execution, object creation is not done by new a class, but by Spring container management. This is how the Spring IoC(Inversion of Control) container idea works.

Three approaches to Spring dependency injection

Dependency Injection (DI) and inversion of control have the same meaning. They are the same concept described from two perspectives.

When a Java instance needs another Java instance, the traditional way is for the caller to create the instance of the called (for example, using the new keyword to get the instance of the called). With the Spring framework, the instance of the called is created by the Spring container instead of the caller. This is called inversion of control.

Property setter injection

Means that the IoC container uses setter methods to inject dependent instances. Setter-based DI is implemented by calling setter methods of the bean after it has been instantiated by calling either the no-argument constructor or the no-argument static factory method.

Constructor injection

Means that the IoC container uses constructors to inject dependent instances. Constructor-based DI is implemented by calling constructors with parameters, each representing a dependency.

Injection by annotation


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The next part is SSM integration