
Map Basics:

Everyone is talking about GIS, what is GIS –

Mercator projection, geographic coordinate system, ground resolution, map scale _weixin_30300523 blog -CSDN blog

Tile map zoom level – Megomap column -CSDN blog – Tile map resolution

SRID WKID space Reference introduction _bigbigtree-CSDN blog _wkid

Map of heaven and Earth _Column of Liusaint1992 -CSDN blog

World Map: World Map of National Geographic Information Public Service Platform (

Map of heaven and Earth guide for beginners (

Example of a map of heaven and Earth (

World Map API (

! To use the map, you need to apply for a key


Install and set up | ArcGIS quick start for JavaScript

The Overview | ArcGIS example for JavaScript

Map | ArcGIS API for JavaScript

1. Load ArcGIS resources

Download the arcgis package

npm install arcgis
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Introduce JS, CSS files in a variety of ways

Introduced in HTML

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script src=""></script>
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Introduced in the VUE project

@import url("");
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import { loadCss, loadModules } from 'esri-loader'                                                                        mounted() {
    / / load CSS;
	// Load the method module
        .then(([Map, WebTiledLayer, Point, TileInfo]) = > {
        / / code
        }.catch(err= > {
        // handle any script or module loading errors
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2. Use the ArcGIS method

require([…] ,function(){}) use arcGIS method in callback function

require([ "esri/Map"."esri/views/MapView"].function(Map,MapView){})
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3. Create Map objects

! You have to be careful what coordinate system you're using for your base, so if you're using latitude and longitude coordinates you should use latitude and longitude coordinates globally, and if you're using Mercator coordinates you should use global coordinates, right

// Create the Map Creates a Map object
var map = new Map({
    // basemap: "hybrid"
    // basemap: "topo"
    // basemap: "streets"
    // basemap: "satellite"
    basemap: "osm"// Base map type
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4. Create MapView objects

<div id="viewDiv"></div>
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// Create the MapView to Create a map box
var view = new MapView({
    container: "viewDiv".// Bind dom node rendering
    map: map,
    // center: [-80, 35],
    center: [116.40769.39.89945].// Latitude and longitude at initialization time
    zoom: 12/ / level
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5. Add dots

  • 5.1 Reference the Graphic Method and Create aGraphicobject
require(["esri/Graphic"].function (Graphic) {})
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  • 5.2 createpointSome objects
var point = {
    type: "point".// Create a point object
    longitude: -118.80543./ / longitude
    latitude: 34.02700/ / latitude
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  • 5.3 createmarkerSymbolAnnotation style object
// Create a symbol for drawing the point
var markerSymbol = {// Initializes the color line size of the annotation object
    type: "simple-marker".// Annotate the object type
    color: [226.119.40].// Add color
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Custom graphic annotations

var markerSymbol = {// Initializes the color line size of the annotation object
    type: "picture-marker".// Image annotation
    url: "".// Customize image annotations
    width: "19px".// Indicate the width and height
    height: "27px"};Copy the code
  • 5.4 Inject point objects and annotation style objects intoGraphicIn the object
var pointGraphic = new Graphic({
    geometry: point,// Graph object
    symbol: markerSymbol/ / config object
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  • 5.6 Adding a File in the ViewGraphicobject;// Add a graphic object to the view
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6. Add line labels

  • 6.1 Reference the Graphic Method and Create aGraphicobject
require(["esri/Graphic"].function (Graphic) {})
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  • 6.2 createpolylineThe line object
var polyline = {// Create a line object
    type: "polyline".// autocasts as new Polyline()
    paths: [[...98.49.5], [...], [...]]/ / collection point
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  • 6.3 createlineSymbolAnnotation style object
// Create a simple line symbol for rendering the line in the view
var lineSymbol = {// Line object style
    type: "simple-line".// Line type
    color: [226.119.40].width: 2// Line width px
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  • 6.4 Inject line objects and annotation style objects intoGraphicIn the object
// Create the graphic
var polylineGraphic = new Graphic({
    geometry: polyline, / / add the line
    symbol: lineSymbol, // Add a line style
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  • 6.6 Adding a Vm in the ViewGraphicobject;// Add a graphic object to the view
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7. Add noodles

/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * create faceted graphic * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /

// Create the plane object
var polygon = {
    type: "polygon".// Object type
    rings: [[...], [...], [...], [...]]/ / collection point

// Create a fill style
var fillSymbol = {
    type: "simple-fill".// autocasts as new SimpleFillSymbol()
    color: [].outline: {// External line styles
        color: [255.255.255].width: 1}};// Add the geometry and style to the graphics object
var polygonGraphic = new Graphic({
    geometry: polygon,
    symbol: fillSymbol
});;// Add the graph to the view
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8. Draw points, lines and planes on a map

  • 8.1 Referencing the Drawing ToolSketch,GraphicsLayerThe graphics layer
){})Copy the code
  • 8.2 Creating graphic Layers
const layer = new GraphicsLayer();
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  • 8.3 Inject the Graphics LayermapIn the
const map = new Map({
    basemap: "topo".layers: [layer]
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  • 8.4 Creating a Drawing Tool Object

Bind the Draw layer to the view

const sketch = new Sketch({
    layer: layer,
    view: view,
    // graphic will be selected as soon as it is created
    creationMode: "update"
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  • 8.5 Adding a UI control for the Drawing Tool
view.ui.add(sketch, "top-right");// Control type style -- position
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9. Multiple layers

  • 9.1 Number different layers by ID
    "esri/Map"."esri/views/MapView"."esri/Basemap"./ / reproduction
    "esri/layers/VectorTileLayer".// Vector tile layer
    "esri/layers/TileLayer".// Tile layer].function(Map, MapView, Basemap, VectorTileLayer, TileLayer) {

const vectorTileLayer = new VectorTileLayer({
    portalItem: {
        id: "6976148c11bd497d8624206f9ee03e30" // Forest and Parks Canvas
    opacity: 75.// Layer transparency

const imageTileLayer = new TileLayer({
    portalItem: {
    	id: "1b243539f4514b6ba35e7d995890db1d" // World Hillshade}});Copy the code
  • 9.2 Combine these two layers intobasemapIn the
const basemap = new Basemap({// Create a basemap object
    baseLayers: [// Integrate multiple layers
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  • 9.3 will bebasemapInjected into themapIn the object
const map = new Map({// Inject into the Map object
	basemap: basemap,
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10. Map overlay images

  • 10.1 Creating An Image Layer
    "esri/Map"."esri/views/MapView"."esri/layers/MapImageLayer"].function (Map, MapView, MapImageLayer) {
var permitsLayer = new MapImageLayer({// Create the image layer
    portalItem: {
        // autocasts as new PortalItem()
        id: "d7892b3c13b44391992ecd42bfa92d01"}}); })Copy the code
  • 10.2 Injecting the Image LayermapIn the object
// Create the Map Creates a Map object
var map = new Map({
    basemap: "satellite".// Base map type
    layers: [permitsLayer]// Add the image layer
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