The 2016 Apple press conference came as expected, with the new generation oF iPhone 7 and Apple Watch appearing at the same time. Unfortunately, the expected MacBookPro, AR and VR products did not appear. Whether people are “buy buy” or “black black” on new products, and whether Apple remains innovative, everyone has their own answer.

In this issue of FIR. im Weekly, I recommend the series of articles by @Yuan Zheng Seemygo, which teach you how to develop a complete iOS live streaming app quickly and how to build a live streaming platform of your own by @Chen Liren, which explains the technology and implementation principle behind the live streaming platform. Share it with those who need it. Github projects, iOS/Android development practices and other technologies are also shared on weibo

Build AppiumBooster

Shared by DebugTalk.

“AppiumBooster is implemented based on Appium, which is simpler and easier to use; Testers can write and maintain automated test cases in a concise and elegant way without touching any code.

For those wondering about automated test cases, click here to see the authors’ solution.

CI Weekly #1 | Introduces you to CI/CD, DevOps, automated testing

CI Weekly shares technical content around “Improving software Engineering Efficiency”, including iOS/Android automated testing, continuous integration, deployment and other technical dry goods. If you are interested, you can subscribe. Portal.


Android Wear, Kotlin, Rx, dynamic deployment, official documentation, tools, performance optimizations, architecture design, etc. GitHub address: Android-dev-Favorites

Android Debug Bridge

Android Debug Bridge, an irreplaceable and powerful tool for Android developers/testers, is also a great toy for Android device players. Awesome-adb is a tutorial for ADB that is worth bookmarking.

FantasySlide – Android sidebar toggle

Cao Dongping shared an extension of DrawerLayout, featuring handsome animations and innovative interactions. One gesture to complete the slide out of the sidebar with select menu. Open source at Github address: FantasySlide.

Android Hotfix new solution — Amigo source code interpretation

Share from Android Siege lion @jack_1900

“There are a lot of hotfix frameworks out there, and the principles are pretty much the same, basically based on the qzone article or wechat solution. Unfortunately, Tinker and QZone of wechat did not open source their specific implementation, but only analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of existing hotfix frameworks and their implementation schemes in the article. The principle of Amigo is basically the same as Tinker, but on the basis of Tinker, further implementation of so file, resource file, Activity, BroadcastReceiver repair.

For the full article, click here.

&mid=2651112676&idx=1&sn=d89305910fd0e12f83299cfbc25dd662&scene=0#wechat_redirect”>IOS App componentized development practice

From the mobile development front wechat share.

“This article is a summary of the author’s practice of iOS App componentization in a small and medium-sized team. It reviews the problems and solutions encountered in the process of componentization, and how to combine with continuous integration.”

Article portal.

Swift3 and DiapatchSource based Timer

@Fang Qiulong shared on Weibo: “Timer based on Swift3 and DiapatchSource. Elegant and concise solution to NSTimer reference loops, Runloop dependencies, child thread switching, no support for closures, and the inability to dynamically adjust time intervals.” Project address: Zen

IOS 10 Day by Day

Shared by @swiftLanguage, translated by @Dai Cangshu.

IOS 10 Day by Day is a series of articles about the new features and apis developers need to know about iOS 10. Previous releases have been very popular, and we hope to do the same this year to help you get the inside scoop on the new features of the iOS 10 SDK and developer tools.

IOS 10 Day by Day

IOS 10 Day by Day :: Index

@Excellent Web Design shares some gorgeous App animation interfaces that Montreal’s Aurelien Salomon returned to create after a long absence. Decisively to offer the knee ah, also known as the programmer chasing slash series. Enjoy the >> link.

Dm [at]fir. Im Weekly

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