The generation of Nginx

  • Nginx uses an event-based architecture that allows it to support millions of TCP connections.

  • A high degree of modularity and free software licenses allow third-party modules to proliferate (this is the age of open source).

  • Nginx is a cross-platform server that runs on Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Solaris, AIX, Mac OS and other operating systems.

  • These excellent designs bring great stability.

Where Nginx comes in

About the agent

Forward agent

Thoroughly understand forward and reverse proxies

To sum up:

  • Access previously inaccessible resources, such as Google.

  • Can do cache, speed up access to resources.

  • Authorize client access and authenticate Internet access.

  • The proxy can record user access records (online behavior management) and hide user information externally.

The reverse proxy

Understand what is the forward proxy, we continue to look at the processing of the reverse proxy, for example, China’s a treasure website, every day at the same time connected to the site of the number of visitors has exploded, a single server is far from meeting the people’s growing desire to buy.

Most of the functionality of a web site is also directly using Nginx reverse proxy implementation, and by encapsulating Nginx and other components after a lofty name: Tengine. the code

Super detailed Nginx minimalist tutorial, even a fool will see

  • To ensure Intranet security, the reverse proxy is usually used as the IP address for accessing the public network, and the Web server is the Intranet.

  • Load balancing, using a reverse proxy server to optimize the load on your website.

Project scene

  • In forward Proxy, the Proxy and Client belong to the same LAN (in the box in the figure) and the Client information is hidden.

  • In reverse Proxy, the Proxy and Server belong to the same LAN (in the box in the figure) and the Server information is hidden.

Load balancing

① Weight polling (default) :

(2) the ip_hash:

(3) fair:

(4) url_hash:

Web Server Comparison

– END –
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