Which programming language is hot?

The answer to this question has been different at different times, and a history of how many people use programming languages is actually a chronicle of the growth of the computer world.

A youtuber named PYPL did his best to tally up the 15 most used programming languages each month from 2004 to 2019, and put together a four-minute video of the 15 years of change.

In this list of the TOP15 programming languages, we can see the ups and downs in the popularity of different programming languages. In addition to today’s mainstream Python, Java, JavaScript, C++, and R, the list includes C#, PHP, Objective-C, Matlab, TypeScript, Go, and other less familiar names.

A careful review of each list change, in the sigh of the rapid iteration of various programming languages, but also see a complete history of computer and programming world changes: for example, in 2004 JavasSript language was once popular, thanks to the rise of the online game industry; The popularity of Objective-C around 11 years ago was due to the success of the iPhone, the primary programming language for writing iPhone applications is Objective-C.

Here, follow me through a timeline of language change.

Story begins: Four King Kong at the top of the list

The story begins in August 2004, the year when Java has the largest number of users, followed by PHP,C/C++, and JavaScript. Python was a relatively niche programming language at this point, with only a small number of users, ranking ninth.

What is the language of the four king Kong at the top of the list, and what are their characteristics? Abstract bacteria take you to popular science:

Java was originally developed and supported by Sun Microsystems, which was acquired by Oracle in January 2010, so since then development and support has been done by Oracle. Java was created for the purpose of WORA, “Write Once Run Anywhere”, Java’s platform independence is one of the pillars of its success in the corporate world.

Originally created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995, PHP is widely used for building dynamic web pages and server-side development.

Ritchie, an American computer scientist, created the C programming language at AT&T Bell LABS between 1967 and 1973. C is very popular and widely used for system programming. It is older than Java, but it still has a place in programming languages. C++ was developed as the next generation of C. It has object-oriented programming capabilities, which are quite amazing compared to the more structured C language because it is very close to native systems and has object-oriented features, which are widely used in financial high-frequency trading.

Designed by Brendan Eich and developed by Netscape Communications Corporation, JavaScript is an interpretable, cross-platform scripting language that is widely used on the client side. Almost every major website uses this language.

At the beginning of the video, these four languages were at the top of the list at the beginning of 2004 and were unassailable, but this pattern has gradually changed with the rapid rise of major programming languages.

2004.09-2004.10: JavaScript vs VB in the online game market

From September to October 2004, JavaScript has been competing with Visual Basic (referred to as VB) language. In 2004, the online game market is booming, including JavaScript and many programming languages began to rise, making JS surpassed Visual Basic for a time in fourth place.

In 2004, “Three Kingdoms iii” on September 25 by Hao Yu interactive development, “Martial Arts history” is on November 28, 2004 by South Korea’S CR-Space company spent two years to complete the development of the full 3D pure martial arts online games, in addition to “Legend” and other classic online games, the rise of these game industry, As a result, the JavaScript language used in game development was once popular, and the growth of the user population rivaled Visual Basic, and even surpassed Visual Basic for a time.

Three national policy game home page

Screenshot from the Swordsman game

Of course, Visual Basic(referred to as VB) is not to be outdone, Visual Basic is a general object based programming language developed by Microsoft, and its third-party controls and GUI in the development process greatly facilitate data access and program development. Following the introduction of the.NET Framework, in 2004, Microsoft released a beta version of Visual Studio 2005 (codenamed Whidbey) containing the With respect to the test version of NET Framework2.0, users of Visual Basic rose, once again surpassing JavaScript, and the two “clashed” in the chart above.

2004.12-2005.01: Python and Delphi at odds

Delphi is a development platform under Windows, its original prototype is the DOS era popular “BorlandTurbo Pascal”.

“Real programmers use C++, smart programmers use Delphi”, this sentence is the most classic, the most realistic description of Delphi. Delphi is known as the fourth generation of programming language, it has simple, efficient, powerful features, and VC compared to Delphi is simpler, easier to master, and in the function is not inferior; Compared with VB, Delphi is more powerful, more practical, it can be said that Delphi has both VC powerful and VB easy to learn features.

Python, the interpreted scripting language we use today, was released in 1991, Python 2 was released on October 16, 2000, and the stable version is Python 2.7. Python usage has grown linearly since 2004.

The main reason for the conflict between Python and Delphi is that Delphi9.0 was released in late 2004, which included inline and for in loop functions. IDE: Borland Delphi.net, Borland Delphi Win32, Borland C#, Enterprise Core Objects and other environment and features integrated into a development tool, so it can be in Win32 and. NET development environment switch or at the same time, the optimization of these functions makes Delphi dynamic changes in the number of users, and Python launched a fierce “dispute”.

Two leaps forward for C#

In early 2006, C# passed Perl to number 6:

Perl is an advanced, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming language. Perl was designed and developed by LarryWall in the mid-1980s. Perl gained fame for its excellent text processing capabilities and is widely used in CGI, database applications, network programming, and graphic programming.

In May 2006, C# successfully surpassed Visual Basic at number 5.

Why C# was able to kill the jedi twice in 2006? What kind of language is it?

C# is Microsoft in June 2000 released a new programming language, is the first component oriented programming language, it draws lessons from Delphi a feature, and COM(component object model) direct integration, and added a lot of functions and syntax, and it is Microsoft company. NET is the main character of Windows network framework.

So why did it surpass the other two languages in a year? What was unusual about 2006?

Abstract: from January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2006, bing searched for C# language and got the following results:

Standing in the perspective of future generations at that time people for C# language understanding is very interesting, 2006 people for C# language or full of questions, produced C# and C language differences, C#. Net prospects such as the question, the same in Baidu search engine input C# language results are as follows:

In 2006, with the rise of web2.0, the free online game model continued to be promoted on a large scale, such as shanda’s legend II and dreamland, C# and the agile game development combined with Unity, which made the development of C# once hot at that time. The ease of building desktop applications in C# and the release of C#3.0.

A technical preview of C#3.0 (codenamed “Orcas” — the devil) was released at the Professional Developers Conference in September 2005.

C# 3.0 was the first language to implement LINQ, making it easy to get a collection of objects that meet certain conditions from a data source using sql-like syntax. Var longname = from n in names wheren.Length > 5 select n;

These reasons add up to make C# the darling of programmers in 2006.

2007.04-2007.05: Javascript and C/C++ continue to fight

From April 2007 to May 2007, Javascript was competing with C/C++, but in the end, Javascript remained in third place. Javascript is the required language for web portals. Qianlong, Sina, Sohu, netease, TOM, China and other 11 websites held “online lecture hall” activities, aiming to interact with netizens through the form of online teaching, the dissemination of scientific and cultural knowledge, THE popularity of C/C++ in the short term or did not shake the status of Javascript in website development.

C# and Python climb in 2008

In addition to the stalemate between C++ and JavaScript, 2008 also witnessed two counterattacks by Python and the first time that C# surpassed C/C++.

In early 2008, Python overtook Perl:

In October 2008, Python overtook Visual Basic, second only to C/C++ :

In July of that year, C# passed C/C++ for fourth place:

What happened in 2008? What makes these two languages stand out?

In 2008, major events such as wenchuan earthquake and Beijing Olympic Games promoted network media to enhance the value of mainstream media. Meanwhile, Chinese netizens ranked first in the world. Although affected by the financial crisis, the wave of Internet has become an inevitable trend.

The convenience of Web development of Python, which requires only downloading and importing mature packages, is Python’s advantage, and the subsequent release of 3.0 also attracted a number of developers, making Python climb twice in a year.

As for the rise of C#, it is not hard to understand that the game market and desktop applications continue to fervour, Tencent’s 2008 release of crossfire and a series of games to promote the development of C#.

Objective-c open and hang history

From November 2011 to January 2012, Objective-C went all the way, surpassing Ruby and Matlab in 8th place.

Matlab is a business-grade mathematical modeling software that we’re all familiar with, but what about Objective-C and Ruby?

Ruby was originally designed and developed by Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto in Japan in the mid-1990s and is primarily used for Web application development and is used by various websites such as Twitter, Hulu and Groupon.

Objective-c is an object-oriented programming language that extends C and is used on Mac OS X and GNUstep, two systems that use the OpenStep standard.

On October 4, 2011, Apple released the fifth-generation iPhone, the iPhone 4S, which ran iOS 5 and integrated with Twitter.

The popularity of Objective-C is due to the success of the iPhone, which is the primary programming language for writing iPhone applications.

Python’s big comeback! How does this dark horse come back?

In May 2013, Python surpassed C/C++ to become the fourth language for the first time.

By December 2013, Python had leapfrogged C# into third place.

The year 2013 once again witnessed the strength of Python, the “dark horse”. It is the time that makes a hero.

From 2012 to 2014, the word “cloud computing” appeared in the ear of a large number of startups and giants, all of whom were engaged in IAAS. Many famous cloud computing open source platforms were developed based on Python (such as OpenStack), which gave rise to a lot of Python jobs and generally increased the number of Python developers and users.

It links: https://www.openstack.org/

From 2014 to 2015, the slogan of “Mass entrepreneurship and innovation” was heard across the country. What language is best for building prototypes quickly? Python has been on the rise again, overtaking PHP as the second most used language at the end of 2015, closing in on Java, which had long held the number one position.

Vignettes: Objective-C overtaken by R

Objective-c and R were at loggerheads in September and October 2017.

So objective-C, what about R?

R is belong to the GNU system of a free, free, open source software, it is a good tool for statistical computing and graphics, R is affected by the S language and Scheme and its main characteristic is free, open source, all sorts of module is complete, in R language, offers a wide range of third-party feature pack, It covers everything from statistical computing to machine learning, from financial analysis to biological information, from social network analysis to natural language processing, from various databases to various language interfaces to high-performance computing models.

Why does R surpass Objective-C when Python is growing so fast?

In March 2016, alpha go and go world champion, professional, nine sections go chess player lee se-dol man-machine war won by the total score of 4 to 1, it is enough to make people realize that is no longer a concept of “artificial intelligence”, solve some problems in this area, it needs to do statistic, use of machine learning algorithm to solve the problem, R language, as an excellent open source statistical tool, is also the reason why the user volume fluctuates during this period. Also, the large number of scientific computing packages in Python made the number of users once close to Java. Is It possible for Python to surpass Java? Don’t worry, time will tell.

Python finally wins

From February to May 2018, the number of people using Python is increasing, which is a trend to catch up with Java.

By June 2018, Python had surpassed Java as the most used language.

Since Python topped the list in July and August 2018, the number of Java users has decreased, while the number of active users has increased, which may be a result of some Java engineers embracing Python.

A 2017 data from the Python Developers Survey looks like this:

Source: Python Developers Survey

Most Python developers are from the United States, India, and China (2017 survey data, for reference only).

By August 2018 it was the most used programming language.

The cross-platform and stability of Java has always made it the number one programming language. However, its long syntax has been criticized by many developers, which is also the reason for the decrease of Java developers.

Python has roots in many fields, such as Web development, finance, operations, machine learning, AI, and so on. Never before has a single language covered so many fields. Other factors include:

  • The world’s tech giants love it. Google, Youtube, Facebook, IBM, NASA, Dropbox, Yahoo, Mozilla, Quora, Instagram, and Reddit are just some of the tech giants that use Python for a variety of purposes, And always looking for Python engineers. For example, Google uses Python to go from AI algorithms to App Engine Cloud. At the same time, 99.9% of Dropbox code is in Python, including the server back end, desktop client, website controller logic, API back end, and analytics tools.
  • Python is widely used for machine learning, and its popularity as a scientific language has soared with the rise of data science. There are many machine learning libraries written in Python, as well as a large number of tools that make machine learning easy;
  • Python is perfect for beginners. It’s a great choice for beginner programmers because of its simple and flexible syntax. With Python, you can easily get started and immediately start building something usable. Nearly four-fifths of Python developers use it as their primary language;
  • It may just be the only language you need, which is possible because Python is a multifunctional language. According to the Skill Up 2018 Developer Skills Report, Python is a scripting language that offers everyone from pen testers to DevOps engineers a great degree of control — it allows them to solve problems, you can use Python to build websites, develop GUIs, analyze data, Gluing other languages together means that you can use that language to meet your development needs.

Given Python’s popularity among developers, how much do Python developers get paid? Would it be tempting?

The average salary of Python developers in the US is at the bottom

In 2019, which state will have the highest salary for Python programmers? Daxx website has a big bottom, as shown in the picture below:

Source: daxx.com

Source: daxx.com

Research shows:

  • According to Gooroo, the average Python developer salary in the US is $110,021. New York and California have the highest Python developer salaries — $122,135 and $121,443 respectively.
  • Another interesting thing is that California, New York, Massachusetts, and Virginia have the most open Python jobs in the United States.

There is a general trend that developers who specialize in rarer technologies can be paid more than those who have more extensive knowledge of languages. Is it true that Python pays more than other less popular programming languages? This is not the case, and the following two charts tell you the answer. Python is an exception.

Python vs. other programming languages

According to Gooroo, the average salary for Python developers is $110,021 per year, making Python the third highest-paid programming language in the country, with only Java and Ruby leading the way.

Python developer salaries compared to other programming languages

If you look at the chart above, you can see that Python developers’ salaries rose from 2017 to 2018, leading the way, but declined in 2018 to 2019, which is consistent with Gooroo’s survey above. Nevertheless, Python is also among the highest paid. The popularity of Python as a tool in the field of artificial intelligence today is evident.

From 2004 to 2018, we have reviewed the rise and fall of major languages in the past 15 years. The following is a summary of these changes.

An overview of the ebb and flow of language

The chart above charts the ranking of various languages in TIOBE from 2001 to 2018. It is easy to see that Python has been climbing the ladder since 2004, while other languages, such as Visual Basic and C#, have fallen in the rankings.

As the poem in Nirvana in Fire puts it, “Reflecting the ice and snow on the earth in the distance, you can see the path of heroes all over the world, looking down on the river, you can see the plum boy on your left.” Times make heroes, and AI now has Python.

Related reports:

  • https://www.daxx.com/blog/development-trends/python-developer-salary-usa
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yL704C1PI4o

Author: Serenity

This article is reprinted from Big Data Abstracts