
To date, Spring is the most popular and widely launched product in the Java ecosystem and job market. With the development of technology, Spring has developed from the former IoC framework into Cloud Native infrastructure, deriving a large number of Spring technology stacks, such as Spring Boot, Spring Cloud and Spring Security. There is no doubt that Spring has become the de facto industry standard for Java backend development. Countless companies have chosen Spring as the basic development framework, and most Java backend programmers come into contact with Spring in their daily work. Therefore, how to use Spring well? It has become one of the required courses for Java programmers! Today, we want to share is ali interviewer threw out the Spring source note, this note on GitHub heat has been marked 81.6K, so we can see the importance of this note to peers, but also means that it does bring a great improvement to our technology!

The content of this document is shown in the form of pictures below, but the space is limited to show part of it. If you need the “hd complete PDF version”, you can follow my official account: You can get it for free.

Overview of Spring

  • Introduction of the Spring
  • Development history of Spring
  • The advantage of the Spring
  • The core structure of Spring
  • Spring Framework Version

Second, core ideas

  • What is IoC?
  • What is the AOP
  • What problem is AOP solving

Three, handwritten IoC and AOP

  • Bank transfer case interface
  • Bank transfer case table structure
  • Bank transfer case code call relationship
  • Bank transfer case key code
  • Bank transfer case code analysis
  • Problem Solution

Case code modification

4. Spring IOC application

  • Spring IoC based
  • BeanFactory is different from ApplicationContext
  • FactoryBean and the BeanFactory
  • Lazy-init lazy loading

Spring IOC advanced features

Five, Spring IOC source in-depth analysis

  • The Spring IoC container initializes the body process
  • Spring IoC’s container architecture
  • Bean lifecycle critical timing points
  • The Spring IoC container initializes the main process

BeanFactory creation process

Six, Spring AOP application

  • AOP related terms
  • AOP proxy selection in Spring
  • How AOP is configured in Spring
  • AOP implementation in Spring

The XML schema

Seven, Spring AOP source depth analysis

  • Proxy object creation process
  • Spring declarative transaction control
  • Load the transaction control component


The importance of Spring source code do not want to emphasize, at present, many Internet enterprises in the recruitment, will be technical personnel of the Spring source code master degree has requirements, can be said to be a must skill, so master Spring source code needs to start as soon as possible. Get this Spring source note friends, pay attention to my public number: future light can be obtained! Whether you are a beginner of Spring or already familiar with it, you should have this source note to help you get started quickly and to improve your level of proficiency. Believe that you are one step closer to success!