Introduction to the

SmartAdmin by Henan luoyang 1024 innovation laboratory team research and development of a set of Internet enterprise class general type in the background solution! Using the most cutting-edge front-end and back-end technology stack SpringBoot and Vue, front and back end separation, we open source a beautiful code and a clean code specification, let everyone in this impetuous code world feel a good code to write a clean stream! At the same time, developers save a lot of time, reduce overtime, happy work, love life. SmartAdmin lets you forget from the recognition, is absolutely what you want most!

Technology system

  • Front-end: Vue + VUE-Router + Vuex + ViewUI + VUE-enum

  • Backend: SpringBoot2 + Mybatis-plus + JWT + druid + mysql

  • Front-end code specification smart-front-standard-Guide

  • Smart – Backend-standard-Guide is a back-end specification based on Ali specification

Demo figure

The front features

  • High-quality code, code structure, and code comments

  • Nice UI, menu bar, tabs, experience, better interaction with staff, departments, roles, menu management, etc

  • Optimize keepalive-based tabs so that tabs are cached when they should be cached, such as left-right switching, and not cached when they should not be cached, such as new, form submission, etc

  • Front-end constant maintenance: VUE-enum, refuse to appear magic numbers, code is not maintainable phenomenon

  • New front-end based permissions design (forget traditional permissions design, it is not suitable for the front-end era)

  • Number of websocket-based online users

  • Supports level 1, Level 2, level 3 menus, level 4 menus, and search functions

  • Other features: mail, rich text, messaging, system configuration, and more

  • Can’t finish writing, too many good details need you to find……

The backend features

  • High quality Java code, subcontracting structure, and code comments

  • Industry original request return code maintenance, well worth a look

  • A permission design based on an annotation and controller forgoes the more complex Shiro, as well as a set of data permission support

  • Four-tier architecture (Controller, Service, Manager, DAO)

  • Highly readable and extensible staff, department, role, menu management

  • Memory level permission caching based on LRU policy

  • Swagger documentation annotation with front-end VUE-enum

  • The heartbeat service lets you find out which machines are running and which people are secretly running your Job

  • Custom Quartz Job additions and modifications for testers

  • Smart-reload, reserve hooks for the system, dynamically load, execute some code without restarting the program, you know

  • The above are just a few examples, many more surprises and details are waiting for you to discover!

Front-end code specification

  • How to name files, folders, directory structures, components, variables, and so on

  • How to standardize HTML, CSS, LESS, etc.

  • How is the vUE project directory structure divided

  • How do routers and stores scale better

  • Vue component specification which to choose

  • And more, countless rules that make you feel practical and happy at the same time

  • ** source address obtain: q group: **1142951706

Back-end code specification

  • What is a four-tier architecture (Controller, Service, Manager, DAO) and why

  • How to write the code for each layer so that the team can work together and be highly consistent

  • Vo, BO, DTO, Entity, javabean how to distinguish and use

  • Do you use @transactional in Spring correctly

  • The number of method arguments, comments, and todos should also be regulated. Have you followed them

  • The above examples are just a drop in the ocean, more details are waiting for your discovery!