In this scenario, we can directly use the powerful FFMPEG to export local files in live mode

ffmpeg -re -stream_loop -1 -fflags +genpts -i F:\05CACHE\ss.mp4  -vcodec copy -acodec copy -strict -2 -f flv -y rtmp://
Copy the code

Here at rtmp:// 10085 / HLS/test is the sample of push streaming service address

Click here to build your own cloud live streaming service

Run as follows:

At this time, rtmp:// 10085 / HLS/marvin1311 is also a broadcast address

How to solve live without plug-ins?

In addition to all the way

  • rtmp://

At this point, the streaming service provides two additional streams

Web live/on-demand player

Click to play using LivePlayer

Can also use the streaming media player service provided by the service 10080 / LivePlayer….

Click on the following address broadcast 10080 / LivePlayer…. 10080 / LivePlayer…. 10080 / LivePlayer….

For more information

Security streaming media Internet live -QQ exchange group: 615081503

Gb GB28181 Without liveGBS-QQ communication group: 947137753