Fes. Js is a set of excellent back-end front-end solutions. Provides initial projects, development debugging, simulation interfaces, and compilation of packaged command line tools. Built-in layout, permissions, data dictionary, state management, storage, API and other modules. With convention, configuration, component design ideas, let users only care about using components to construct page content. Based on vue.js, it is easy to get started. After polishing in several projects, it tends to be stable.

We have received good suggestions from friends in the community since 1.0 was launched. Thank you for supporting fes.js. We hope that this upgrade will bring you more help and look forward to creating more functions together in the future.

Most of the front-end applications we need to develop have similar businesses. For example, most of the middle and background applications are workbench, add, delete, modify, search, permissions, charts, etc. So before developing a front-end application, you need to deal with the underlying business logic in addition to the environment preparation.

If there is no uniform specification or framework, technology selection depends on the preferences of the developer, and the preparation of each project is handled manually, which can be very time consuming. Over time, as teams have multiple technology stacks, historical projects become more difficult to maintain. So we need a complete solution that manages the entire process from development to deployment, addressing problems before they occur.

What improvements have been made to fes.js 2.0

In version 2.0, we redesigned the extensible architecture based on the plug-in mechanism for 1.0, which only supported PC applications and was not easy to expand.

With 90% of the code rewritten, Fes. Js 2.0 is based on Vue 3.0 and routing, supporting both configurational and contracted routing, and extending its functionality accordingly. Matching a complete plug-in architecture covering both compile time and run time life cycles, supporting a variety of functional extensions and business requirements.

Fes. Js framework

Fes. Js encapsulates the commonly used technology stack into a plug-in for collation, convergence together, so that people can only use Fes. Js to complete 80% of the daily work.

Support for plug-ins and set of plug-ins, the relationship should be well understood from this diagram, through the set of plug-ins we converge dependencies to support different business types.

Plug-ins and plug-in sets

Fes. Js 2.0 features

  • Fast Fast

Built-in routing, development, build, etc., and provides testing, layout, permissions, internationalization, state management, API requests, data dictionary, SvgIcon and other plug-ins, can meet most of the daily development needs.

  • Simple and Easy

Based on vue.js 3.0, easy to get started. To implement the idea of “convention is better than configuration”, the design of plug-ins should replace configuration with convention as far as possible, and provide unified plug-in configuration entry, simple and simple yet flexible. Provide consistent API entry, consistent experience, easier to learn.

  • Strong Strong

Only care about the content of the page, reduce the chance of writing bugs! Provide unit testing and coverage testing capabilities to ensure project quality.

  • extensible

Learn from Umi to achieve a complete life cycle and plug-in mechanism, plug-in can manage the project compile time and run time, capabilities can be packaged through the plug-in, in fes.js coordinated orderly operation.

  • For the future

While meeting the demand, we will not stop exploring new technologies. Vue3.0 has been used to improve application performance, WebPack 5 has been used to improve build performance and implement microservices, and new technologies such as Vite will be explored in the future.

  • pleasant

Our main focus is the developer experience. We love fes.js and will continue to improve the framework, so you love it too! Expect attractive solutions, descriptive error messages, strong defaults, and detailed documentation. If you have questions or questions, our helpful community is there to help.

  • Quick learning

Basic configuration: Node.js 10.13 or later is required. Yarn is recommended for NPM dependency management.

Using yarn:

# create template yarn create # @fesjs/fes-app myapp ' '# install dependency yarn # run yarn deCopy the code

Use NPM:

# create template npx@fesjs /create-fes-app myapp # install NPM run devCopy the code

Demonstrate operation article video

Write in the last

In the process of use, if you encounter difficulties, you can go to the document to view the solution; At the same time, the community encourages all students to exchange feedback through Github and submit an issue as soon as possible. Fes. Js is developing rapidly, we look forward to having fun with you!

  • Github Issue


  • Github repo


  • Using document


  • Build the guide


  • The project contact
