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In recent years, there have been a lot of articles poking fun at the midlife crisis of male programmers, but little attention has been paid to the professional state of female programmers. In fact, female students are more likely to encounter career bottlenecks due to differences in physical quality and fertility problems, which may be due to the fact that their husbands are the main breadwinner in the family, so the issue of female unemployment has not been magnified. As a female programmer, do you feel stuck in your career development? Listen to me.

First of all, the problems faced by male students, such as midlife crises, are the same for female programmers, and we will not discuss the common problems here, but only the unique aspects of female students.

Fertility is the threshold

When is the right time to have a baby: before 30

To female classmate, the bottleneck of the most important is to bear, if you graduate of master of 25 years old (big factory school enrogates general master to start now), the amatory relation that graduation has stability one year smoothly, marry at 28 years old, 30 years old gives birth to a child.

You only have about five years to be fully engaged in the workplace, which involves the fact that you have accumulated some experience and experience in the current team before you get pregnant. Otherwise, pregnancy will be stressful and not good for both adults and children.

When is the right time to jump ship: before 28

In the five years before having a baby, if you want to change jobs, the best time is three years and twenty-eight years after graduation (five years after graduating from an undergraduate degree), take a wedding leave, then go to the next big stable company, work hard for two years, and then get pregnant.

Unless company poorly or technical direction have no future, frequent job-hopping is not recommended, to you the first time was running out, the growth of the early on continuity, female classmate don’t care about the salary, for you can walk far more important than a short time, make some money, after all, you don’t have to save a dowry to marry daughter-in-law, ha ha, just kidding.

Two, female students write code as bad as male?

I read a serious article about the IQ distribution of men and women. The average IQ of men and women is in line with the normal distribution, but the fluctuation of men is larger, that is, there are more geniuses and fools in men, while women are relatively concentrated around the average IQ. According to my observation, female programmers in the team tend to be stable as a whole, while male programmers are very good and incredibly bad. Moreover, male programmers tend to feel good about themselves and deny their own tastes.

Among the female colleagues I know, some of them with technical background have worked as chief architect (P9 and P10 in the benchmarking industry), which is very rare in the Internet circle and has no reference. However, it is completely possible to achieve the level of P7 and P8 through reasonable planning.

I have seen that those who can be senior engineers and are relatively stable are generally in the basic technical team. The promotion of business line is a red sea in all companies, with serious homogenization competition, mainly relying on overtime production. It is not to say that there is no technical content, but the business is characterized by high-speed iteration, and female students who struggle for physical strength are not dominant.

Besides, there is a lot of communication in the business. Male students can finish the conversation by smoking a cigarette. Communication in the technical circle has innate advantages, which should be viewed objectively.

So what are the ways out?

The way out for women programmers

First, engage in technology for a long time.

Female students who are interested in technology for a long time, it is suggested to choose a stable basic technology track as soon as possible. The basic technology field changes little and updates slowly. It is not a problem for you to continue to do technology after giving birth, and you may be promoted slowly, but seniority can always reach you. If you’re in business, you may burn out before you even make it to that promotion. After all, male programmers have a wife to take care of the children at home, he just work overtime, female students you desperately work overtime, expect the husband to take care of the children at home is not likely, we do not discuss the division of labor of human evolution, social status quo is so, actively to adapt to the habit is the best solution.

Second, transfer management.

See the company has many female programmers turn management, most are more successful. If you are not introverted, have good communication skills and emotional intelligence, it is a good way to turn to management, because women are sensitive to interpersonal relationships and have a sense of risk.

Moreover, do management is certainly easier than programmers, don’t believe the bosses say how tired he is, when the boss even a day without a rest, he is easier than you write code. Because whether you are tired or not depends not only on the working hours, but also on the total energy consumption, writing code is undoubtedly a work with high mental and physical energy consumption, while management mainly collects information to make decisions, and the mental consumption of making decisions is much smaller.

In addition, as a manager, you have the right to allocate personnel and tasks. You can let subordinates help deal with urgent matters, and your time is relatively free. The test of management is not how much you can do by yourself, but how much you can motivate a team to do.

If there is a suitable opportunity to transfer to management, female students can have a try, which can not only avoid the physical harm of writing code, but also open up the career window and enter another wonderful track. It should be noted that the best time to change management is to work for more than a year after giving birth to a child. It is taboo to change management and then give birth to a child. Management should not be a day without a master.

Third, transfer to HR and administration

Last year, I was surprised to see a female senior manager transferred to the HR team, but later I thought it was a good step. Technology was born, there are one hundred people team management experience, the company qualifications, HR do technical recruitment, is particularly good background, previous accumulation has a positive effect, and on the premise of ensure that wages do not drop, can have more time to take care of the family, and on the basis of their own growth, this is a good way to a very secretive, because the liberation of more time, can have endless possibilities.

This article is written to the female students who have entered the programmer industry for a short time, hoping to inspire you

Welcome to follow the public account: Sumsmile/focus on image processing mobile development veteran