This is the first time to independently complete the development of an Android mobile App — FROM conception, post-process algorithm, interface design, debugging and testing, to all kinds of copywriting on the store, I finished all by myself. Although it was a slightly weak application with a slightly immature design, I didn’t expect to get any profit from it, but I was very encouraged and encouraged by the knowledge and abilities I learned in the process. All of these gains did eventually translate into new opportunities for me to continue on the design and development path. Here to record the experience and feeling, I hope to share with you, especially those like me, eager to try but still have doubts about their friends, at least to take the first step is not difficult.

Where to look for inspiration?

I usually like drawing and coding, and I will immediately record any inspiration and ideas (usually Google Keep), and then start to do specific things when I have free time. About the idea of App, also opened a single page to record. Most of the ideas come from your own life experiences, especially when you feel what you need and don’t have (this is in line with Graham’s post on finding startup ideas). Occasionally, I communicate with my friends, and some enthusiastic friends suggest their ideas to me. If I find them interesting, I also write them down. For the first time, there will be obstacles and unsatisfactory places in the process. At this time, enthusiasm and interest are the biggest motivation to support myself to keep going. So pick a project that excites you when you think about it.

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My Google keep

I love working with images, whether it’s doodling with a pen and a piece of paper, opening a window in Photoshop to debug a bunch of parameters, or even writing a piece of code to deal with a complex computer vision problem. I like visual richness and beauty, and I hope to share what I see and feel with others. So I decided to write a camera App that beautifies photos to express my mood.

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Copywriting for app

How hard is the basic skill required?

I graduated from college three years ago with a degree in mechanical engineering, majoring in aerospace — a complete computer novice. Later, because of personal interest and chance to go on the path of programmers. It took me less than two years to learn Android development, during which I only tried basic development for the algorithm of my research topic. The App I wrote did not have a fully formed interface, and I never did post-test, so IT would be good if I could get the experimental results. The only two relatively complete development experiences: one was to guide students in their graduation design and develop a passable LBS campus navigation app, which used ready-made Google Maps API and Android default image elements; Another time I was in charge of user interface design on a small team project, but I only had to draw four buttons and an icon. It was in this state that I conceived the idea of writing an App independently.

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The first time you make a UI

You already have the expertise, but it’s not enough to make what you want — learn it. The core image processing algorithm is used in the App, which refers to the open-source Android project on Github and open-source software like GIMP, as well as its own design by drawing examples from reference books. We have also gained a lot from our efforts. More importantly, don’t hesitate to put the theory into practice directly. Some seemingly unsolvable problems can always find a breakthrough after really starting to do.

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Books from the library

Being indie requires a little bit of design, and luckily my usual hobby of taking pictures and doodling may come into play. However, without any professional guidance, I just designed a bunch of image elements by feeling and put them together on the interface just like blind men feeling an elephant.

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UI design drawn in Illustrator

I read a popular Design guide called Mobile Design Pattern Gallery, which systematically summarizes the basic forms of Android and IOS app interface Design. But in fact, as long as you have used more apps, you probably have a concept of these designs. I think learning always starts from copying. If you don’t know what you are doing, you will see what others are doing. You will gradually find your own pattern. So when my friends play with my iPad, they feel helpless – why is it full of camera apps!

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A screenshot of my iPad

I found it really easy to do design and development. Here is a hilarious story about how Christoph, an illustrator, developed his first iPhone App. There is an 8-second video in which the author shoots himself and finally realizes the effect of “finger clicking to change color of squares” on iPhone. These cute videos and illustrations in the article, combined with his humorous narration, are really hilarious. However, if you read further, you will be amazed that he was able to combine such a simple touch screen effect into his illustrations and finally create his ideal App. He expressed the design concept of simplification, as well as his thirst for knowledge learning attitude, really admirable.

Things outside of development

Writing apps can be fun, especially if you’re a creative person with a certain amount of designer flair. An App doesn’t have a long development cycle or a high barrier to entry, so it’s easy to feel a sense of accomplishment. As an indie developer, you can also put your emotions and preferences into your App, which brings a certain satisfaction. For me, developing an App is just like drawing in the past. I can create and express myself as much as I want, but with more complicated tools and methods.

But given the bread issue, indie App development seems to be in a tough spot. Putting an App on the shelf without any publicity is almost impossible to make an impact. After being put on the shelves, I will receive some emails from time to time, offering paid promotion services, etc. Although I know this is an indispensable part of the ecosystem, as a designer, I always resist such a rude consumption of creativity. Share two articles that make you pause for thought: The Death of the Individual Developer, Indie App Survival Anxiety: Getting included or Finding your Way out. There is no denying that the market is reaching saturation, but there is no shortage of opportunities. In the booming IT and mobile Internet industry, all kinds of excellent individuals, teams and creative ideas emerge endlessly, and there are only a few that ultimately affect the world. As in the Medieval Renaissance, the cremation of ideas is everywhere, but the public remembers only a few names.

And I always believe that skilled people will not have no future, but the balance between dreams and reality is especially important. is the wireless open platform of Alibaba Group. Through the opening of “technology, business and big data”, provides high cohesion, open, industry-leading technology product matrix, mature business components and perfect service system in mobile scenes. Help mobile developers quickly build apps, accelerate the process of APP commercialization, and empower mobile developers and mobile entrepreneurs in an all-round way.


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