1. Introduction
This paper mainly introduces the basic use of feign-Core and Spring-boot integration, and analyzes how to integrate; Feign-core – Basic Use; feign-core- Basic Use;
Use cases
2.1 Registry
This article uses Eurake, source code has the corresponding service, directly run main method can;
2.2 Interface Provision
This article is provided as a separate JAR project for the convenience of service consumers; See the source code
The interfaces are as follows:
/** * eat */
@FeignClient(name = "yiyi-feign-provider", path = "/eat")
public interface EatService {
/** * eat */
String eatApple(a);
/** * eat
String eatOrange(@RequestParam("who") String who);
Copy the code
2.3 Service Provider
Provide an HTTP service, you can directly use this article’s Spring-boot project, see github- source code
2.4 Service consumer
The consumer is the focus of this paper, focusing on the following:
Pom configuration
Introduced interface, Eureka client, feign-core
<version>0.0.1 - the SNAPSHOT</version>
<! -- =========================== spring-boot start =========================== -->
<! -- =========================== spring-boot end =========================== -->
Copy the code
The configuration properties
Copy the code
Startup Class Configuration
@EnableFeignClients(basePackages = {"com.husky.intf"})
public class HuskyFeignConsumerApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(HuskyFeignConsumerApplication.class, args); }}Copy the code
The Controller calls
public class EatController {
private EatService eatService;
/** * eat */
public String eatApple(a) {
return "provider: " + eatService.eatApple();
public String eatOrange(String who) {
returneatService.eatOrange(who); }}Copy the code
2.5 start
Start the registry, service provider and service consumer in turn;
Postman access: localhost: 18084 / eat/apple
Provider: I ate apple on 18081
3. Integration principles
If you are not familiar with the feign-core principle, you are advised to take a look at the previous article: Feign-core – Basic Use. This article focuses on how feign-core is integrated with the spring-boot principle.
3.1 Feign-core principle review
The process for generating proxy objects is as follows:
3.2 Envision
Before understanding the principle, consider the following questions ?
1) What do we want?
A proxy object for an interface is required
2) How do most spring-boot integration frameworks work?
You typically annotate the startup class with @enablexxx
He did not take any medicine
As expected in 3.2, we analyze the loading logic of the proxy class with the @enableFeignClient annotation on the startup class as the entry point.
As shown in the figure below: Our analysis process is as follows:
Note: At the last step: registerFeignClients(), we get a FactoryBean that generates the interface proxy object;
So when will the proxy object be generated?
That’s when @autowired is assigned
private EatService eatService;
At this point, the proxy class can provide the service
This article source address – Github
Talk about how Fein works
Spring Cloud integrates Feign’s principles