

SP, for short, stores raw type data in key-value pairs, which are stored in XML files by default

  • Application scenario: The storage capacity is small and simple
  • Advantages and disadvantages: It has its own memory-level cache, which is fast to read when the data volume is small, but it is not safe for cross-process. When the data volume is large, it is slow to load, and full write is easy to cause ANR

Sqlite, Room

Room is not a database. It provides an abstraction layer on top of SQLite, allowing users to take advantage of sqLite’s power while enjoying a more robust database access mechanism. The flexible interface adaptation layer is retained.

@Database(entities = [KeyValue::class], version = 1, exportSchema = true)
abstract class KvStore : RoomDatabase(), CoroutineScope by MainScope() {
    companion object {
        val database by lazy {
                SwUtils.application,, "key_value_database.db"
        fun <T : Any> get(key: String, defaultValue: T): T {
            val type = defaultValue::class.simpleName ? :""
            val value = database.dao().get(key, type)
            return try {
                val v = when (defaultValue) {
                    is String -> value
                    is Boolean -> value == "true"
                    is Int -> value.toInt()
                    is Float -> value.toFloat()
                    is Double -> value.toDouble()
                    else -> Gson().fromJson(value,
                v as T
            } catch (e: Throwable) {
        fun <T : Any> set(key: String, value: T) {
            val type = value::class.simpleName ? :""
            val v = when (value) {
                is String, is Double -> value.toString()
                else -> Gson().toJson(value)
            database.dao().insertReplace(KeyValue(key, type, v))

        inline fun <reified T> liveData(key: String, sticky: Boolean = true): MediatorLiveData<T> {
            var realSticky = sticky
            val type = T::class.simpleName ? :""
            val mld = MediatorLiveData<T>()
            mld.addSource(database.dao().liveData(key, type)) {
                if (realSticky) {
                    mld.value = try {
                    } catch (e: Throwable) {
                        null}}else {
                    realSticky = true}}return mld

    abstract fun dao(a): KeyValueDao

@Entity(primaryKeys = ["key"."type"])
data class KeyValue(
    @ColumnInfo(name = "key", defaultValue = "")
    var key: String = "".@ColumnInfo(name = "type", defaultValue = "")
    var type: String = "".@ColumnInfo(name = "value", defaultValue = "")
    var value: String = ""

abstract class KeyValueDao : BaseDao<KeyValue>() {
    @Query("SELECT value from KeyValue WHERE `key` = :key AND type = :type")
    abstract fun get(key: String, type: String): String

    @Query("SELECT value from KeyValue WHERE `key` = :key AND type = :type")
    abstract fun liveData(key: String, type: String): LiveData<String>

    @Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
    abstract fun insertReplace(obj: KeyValue): Long
Copy the code

The last

You can copy code or extend the benefits according to this idea:

  1. There is no need to introduce additional tripartite libraries
  2. On the basis of KV storage, data monitoring is added by using room characteristics