Fastlane is a set of automation tools and frameworks written in Ruby language. Each tool corresponds to a Ruby script, which is used to perform a specific task. The Fastlane core framework allows users to combine different tools organically and flexibly in the form of similar configuration files. Thus forming a complete automated process.
Install Fastlane first
sudo gem install fastlane --verbose
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Make sure Xcode has the latest version of the command line tool installed
xcode-select --install
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If Fastlane loads slowly, try running it
gem clean up
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Find the item root directory
cd /Users/jsqb/Desktop/iOS
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Perform fastlane installation
Run fastlane init to configure the developer accounts user, password, and bundle identfierCopy the code
Fastlane files are generated
Appfile - contains your app_id bundle ID. If you entered the correct appId and password in init last step, this will generate the correct team_id information here. Fastfile - is the most important file to write and customize our package scriptCopy the code
Fastlane tools
In addition to the Fastlane command, you can also access the following Fastlane tools
- Deliver: Upload screenshots, metadata, and app applications to the App Store
- Supply: Upload Android app apps and metadata to Google Play
- Snapshot: Automatically captures local snapshots of iOS app applications
- Screengrab: Automatically captures local screenshots of Android app applications
- Frameit: Quickly take a screenshot and place it on the device
- Pem: Automatically generates and updates the push notification configuration file
- Sigh: Development certificate and description file download
- Produce: Create new apps and development portals on iTunes Connect using the command line
- Cert: Automatically creates and configures iOS code signing certificates
- Spaceship: Ruby library access Apple Developer Centre and iTunes Connect
- Pilot: The best way to manage your TestFlight testers and build from the terminal
- The easiest way to invite your TestFlight beta testers
- Gym: automatic iOS app signature packaging tool
- Match: Use Git to synchronize your team certificates and configuration files
- Scan: The easiest way to test your iOS and Mac apps
We use gym for automatic packaging
Add the. Env file to the fastlane file. The content of the configuration file can be expanded as follows
Env global configuration file
# bundleId
APP_IDENTIFIER = "com.xqb.R"
# Dandelion, updated description
# Automatically submit for review
Publish as soon as approved
# Apple Developer account
# Apple Developer account password
# suits ID
TEAM_ID = "xxxx"
# APP metadata and screenshot storage path
METADATA_PATH = "./metadata/TestGitProject"
SCREENSHOTS_PATH = "./screenshots/TestGitProject"
# APP metadata and screenshots download, directly overwrite the original data, without asking
# the package name
Specify the packaging method, Release or Debug
# Specify the output method used for packaging, currently supporting app-Store, package, ad-hoc, Enterprise, and Development
EXPORT_METHOD = "enterprise"
# Dandelion API Key is provided by dandelion platform
PGY_API_KEY = "xxxx"
# dandelion API Key
PGY_USER_KEY = "xxxx"
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Appfile File content
app_identifier ENV['APP_IDENTIFIER']
apple_id ENV['APPLE_ID']
team_id ENV['TEAM_ID']
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Deliverfile file contents
app_identifier ENV['APP_IDENTIFIER']
username ENV['APPLE_ID']
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Install the Fastlane plugin for Dandelion
Enter Astlane add_plugin pgyerCopy the code
Add it to the generated Gemfile file
gem 'cocoapods'
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Finally, we write a Fastlile file to run the script
desc "Release the beta version to dandelion"
lane :qb_pgy do
gym(scheme: ENV['SCHEME'],
silent: true.# Hide unnecessary information
include_symbols: true.# whether to generate a symbol table. Default is true
include_bitcode: true.Whether to enable bitcode. Default is true
clean:true.# Whether to clear previous compilation information true: Yes
configuration: ENV['CONFIGURATION'],
export_method: ENV['EXPORT_METHOD'],
output_name: Speed Wallet.# output file name
output_directory: "./fastlane/bulid") # specify the output folder
pgyer(api_key: ENV['PGY_API_KEY'],
user_key: ENV['PGY_USER_KEY'],
update_description: ENV['PGY_UPDATE_DESCRIPTION'])
desc "Pack the official version"
lane :qb_appStore do
gym(scheme: ENV['SCHEME'],
output_name: Speed Wallet.The ipA name to output
silent: true.# Hide unnecessary information
clean: true.Clean before building
configuration: "Release".Configure the Release version
codesigning_identity: "iPhone Distribution: Shanghai Peijun Information Technology Co., Ltd. (DFB9QG8MBN)".# code signing certificate
buildlog_path: "./fastlane/onLine/fastlanelog".Fastlane build ipA log output directory
output_directory: "./fastlane/onLine")
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After the preparation of the certificate in the project to choose the right, we can be in the terminal through Fastlane + dandelion can be automated packaging release function
fastlane qb_pgy
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Finally, it took 74s to upload successfully
This part of the automation file does not need to be submitted to the remote server, we added the ignore information in the gitignore file
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