Cloud Studio is a browser-based integrated development environment, providing developers with an always-on Cloud workstation that supports most programming languages, including HTML5, PHP, Python, Java, Ruby, C/C++,.NET applets, and so on. Cloud Studio provides a complete Linux environment, and supports custom domain name pointing, dynamic computing resource adjustment, can complete the development, compilation and deployment of various applications.

Hexo is a fast, concise, and efficient blogging framework. Hexo uses Markdown (or other rendering engines) to parse articles and generate static web pages with beautiful themes in seconds.

With Cloud Studio, Hexo can be written and deployed directly in Cloud Studio without the need to fiddle with the Hexo environment and resolve various conflicts on different platforms.

Preparations: Register CODING account, open Cloud Studio, bind Tencent Cloud account and authenticate with real name.

The first step is to build the environment with one click

Click “Running Environment” on the right to bring up the panel and select “Hexo”.

Click “terminal” in the lower left corner, and then enter the typing time.

Start by creating and initializing a new folder in which all files in your workspace will be stored. The folder name < Folder > is customizable (this is when you can go get a glass of water and close your eyes for five minutes) :

hexo init <folder>

Next go to that folder (where all the commands for the rest of this article will be executed) and install dependencies:

cd <folder>

npm install

After the installation, the directory structure of the folder is as follows:

Step 2 Writing

Execute this command in the working folder to create a new article, with

being the title of the article.

hexo new <title>

The terminal will return a message telling you where the article source file is stored.

Open the MD file and start writing!

Step 3 Generation

After writing the MD source file, we need Hexo to help generate the static file so that we can see the final render in the browser. Execute generate file command:

hexo generate

Or shorter form:

hexo g

The command is executed on the terminal. There will be a new public folder in the directory where the files you just generated will be stored.

Step 4 Deployment

Preparations: Register and authenticate the domain name, and bind the domain name

Click “Bind domain name” on the right to fill in your domain name and port (8080). In the file on the left, find the [Themes] → [_config.yml] file, double-click to modify it, and fill in the URL with the domain name.

Enter the command on the terminal to start the service:

hexo server -p 8080

Step 5 Visit a blog

Open your browser, enter your domain name, and you’ll see the Hexo blog you’ve built! And you’re done!


1, the domain name needs to be real name authentication, otherwise after a period of time others will not be able to access your blog. 2. Every time MD writes something, it needs to perform [hexo G] to generate it. 3. Refer to this help document for Markdown syntax. See Hexo’s website for more blog Settings