Welcome to learn fast application development together

The current progress

  • Basic UI
  • The detailed function

Introductory tutorial

Problems found in fast application development:

CSS problems

  • The default is flex layout, CSS does not need to display Settings;
  • Be sure to read the documentation, some properties are not supported, for examplejustify-contentDoes not supportspace-around

Layout problems

  • The default width and height of a custom layout is the same as the screen size after it is imported into the parent layout, not restricted to the parent layout width and height

The event

  • No touch event


  • Cannot manipulate document, such as document.getelementById
  • You can’t manipulate the DOM until onReady
  • $Element (ID) cannot change the style directly


  • The VM attributes must be modified before onInit, and cannot be updated after onReady

Welcome to your attentionFast application stackThe public,